Once Upon a time, I was that girl. I was that girl who in high school and through college loved Victoria’s Secret. I should have been a shareholder for how much I kept that company in business. I mean, I had the platinum credit card and went weekly, if not a few times a week while working in the mall. And I didn’t go because I felt like I had to impress anyone special. I went because I loved going for myself. I loved the PINK line of sweatshirts; the LoveSpell fragrance was my signature smell; the pjs were to die for they were so soft; and the bras and undies were so comfy and well–fitting (if you know what I mean) I was convinced no other brand was even half as good.
Whether it was years of brainwashing marking or cultural obsession with cleavage being the definition of a woman, I felt good shopping at Victoria’s Secret. It was when I became pregnant with my son that I started using chemical-free body products, therefore I stopped going to Victoria’s Secret for lotion and other body products. Then, somewhere during my pregnancy I started to think the store just didn’t have appropriate underwear that was fitting for my lifestyle anymore.
Why doesn’t Victoria’s Secret have breastfeeding bras?
My breast started to lactate and leak very early in my pregnancy and changed in shape, so delicate bras with thin straps and underwire weren’t working any longer. Even Victoria’s Secret cotton bras I hated because it wouldn’t cover everything.
After birth, I needed different size underwear and that seemed to be impossibly hard and uncomfortable to do there (but that is a challenge in general postpartum). Some were too big, some were too small; some lacked coverage, and others gave too much coverage.
After finding amazing nursing bras at the hospital maternity shop after giving birth to my son, I didn’t enter a Victoria’s Secret again until nearly a year later. It was so different and so awkward. I thought why would I want any of this uncomfortable stuff now? It didn’t look uncomfortable before. But then I thought why doesn’t Victoria’s Secret have a nursing line?
Giselle Bundchen and Miranda Kerr breastfeed and they are two of Vistoria’s Secret’s top models. Victoria’s Secret, you are missing out on a huge opportunity for major business. I LOVE my amazingly comfortable and beautiful nursing bras. And let me tell you, a woman confident in her postpartum, nursing body is far more attractive than lost, socially pressured, marketing brainwashed, over sexualized girls’ or young women’s. In fact, I’ve never loved my body more until I became a mom. Each pregnancy and birth has challenged me and made me realize how amazing and beautiful my body is for growing the most perfect little people!

No makeup, first thing in the morning breastfeeding my baby girl, and feeling more beautiful than ever!
So, maybe I actually don’t want you to make nursing bras, Victoria’s Secret. I actually fear (not really) you are dying off all together with this huge feminist movement right now on self–acceptance and self love, driven by confident women and mothers. I mean, what did you really think when you came out with a bra that gives a woman 2 or more added cup sizes. Why? That’s also false advertising and just fake. All women no matter what breast cup size is beautiful and can find other ways to be feminine. I understand certain circumstances are different for women who want reconstruction or added padding to feel and look the way they want; however, I highly doubt you are marketing towards these amazing women for your target audience.
A woman confident in her postpartum, nursing body is far more attractive than lost!
Thankfully, there are companies that picked up on the demand and offer a great selection for nursing moms. The options are getting better and better every year, and each time I have a baby. I’m so happy I found my nursing bras by Bravado! by Medela, Gilligan and O’Malley at Target, and Motherhood. Now I’m truly sexy and comfortable while being the most beautiful woman ever: a mom!
We would love to hear from you so leave us a comment below! What was your favorite nursing bra during your breastfeeding journey?
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And… Don’t forget to share your brelfies using our HT #BreastfeedingWorld
I am a 27-year-old WAHM to two intelligent and amazing toddlers (3 and 1.5 years), and two stepdaughters (12.5 and 8.5 years). I am a very active and passionate birth advocate working to change regulations, laws and cultural norms in the U.S. to provide parents to be educated and empowered to know all birth rights and options. I am a proud emergency, unplanned c-section, turned all natural, non-medicated VBAC experienced mama! I am a modern-hippie mama practicing attachment parenting, who loves babywearing and toddlerwearing, and of course breastfeeding! I love to laugh with my amazing husband/best friend and to travel to new places with our beautiful family.
For more of my lifestyle and mommy blogging updates, check out my Instagram page @PRbabywearingMama.