The Big Latch On is dear to Breastfeeding World
And we're proud that our event first began in the heart of NYC!
While Breastfeeding World began as a photography project to reach nursing mothers and empower them in their breastfeeding journey, we've grown over the years as a resource for encouragement and promotion of breastfeeding through our multi-city Big Latch Ons. This year we're extremely excited to host 5 locations, our largest number of multi-city Big Latch Ons to-date!
Our Big Latch is a part of the Global Big Latch On- where moms across the globe gather in communities, large and small, and nurse their babies for one minute in unison at exactly 10:30am. This year this annual event will take place on August 3, August 4 and August 5.
This is the time to be part of the Big Latch Ons. It's an empowering, unique and memorable experience for our families, but most importantly our mothers. Families come out to support moms, advocates come out to share resources and for Breastfeeding World, we capture the day's events through our group of volunteer photographers. The Big Latch Ons build community and we hope you will join us at one of our five locations!
Come join us in any of our five Coast to Coast Breastfeeding Celebrations!
Guam, USA
Martha's Vineyard
New York City
In 2017, 23 countries participated in the Global Big Latch on with 725 individual locations, 18,036 nursing moms and 17,790 latched children. Around the world over 50,383 people came together to be a part of this initiative. This year we aim to break the record, to continue to empower mothers and communities to promote breastfeeding and normalize breastfeeding. Come join us and let's make history!
Breastfeeding World had over 850 attendees in our 2017 Coast to Coast Events
Meet our 2018 Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors

Diamond Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

All Star Sponsors

2017 Events
Each year, our organization promotes and supports breastfeeding families within our own communities by hosting breastfeeding celebrations which include our iconic Latch Ons.
Our Big Latch is a part of the Global Big Latch On- where moms across the globe gather in groups, large and small, and nurse their babies for one minute at exactly 10:30am. This year this one of a kind event will take place on August 3rd & 4th.
It's an amazing event to be a part of. It's an empowering, unique and memorable experience for our families, but most importantly our mothers. Don't miss out on this year's Breastfeeding World's Big Latch On events!
Come join us in one of our Coast to Coast Breastfeeding Celebrations!
New York City
Martha's Vineyard
Central Indiana
In 2016 28 countries participated in the Global Big Latch on with 758 individual locations and 17,992 latched children. Around the world over 48,628 people came together to be a part of this initiative. This year we have to break the record yet again, come join us and together let's work on making history!.
Breastfeeding World had over 850 attendees in our 2017 Coast to Coast Events!
Breastfeeding World... changing lives one event at a time
It felt normal to be there. I was wearing my 15 month old. And it was early and messed up her dear beauty sleep, so she was nursing and napping as I walked around. Checking out all the vendors and booths, it just felt normal. I didn’t feel ashamed or worried if some side-boob was showing, or worried about any random male there yelling at me, because everyone was doing it! And it was beautiful!” -Katie Peede attendee from our 2016's Hamilton County Latch On
My favorite part of the event was being surrounded by other mamas and feeling the love we all have for our babies and for each other. I also loved the comment “when someone tells me I shouldn’t breastfeed in public I just want to put a heavy blanket over their head and watch them try to eat a hamburger” made by one of the attending moms.” – Emilee Valenti attendee from our 2016's Martha's Vineyard Latch On
This was my second time attending the big latch on in Times Square and I can’t say how happy and empowered I was to be amongst all these amazing breastfeeding women and advocates. When women gather and support each other, care for their children and all children, we are creating history and a more peaceful world.” – Sandra Laura Shanbhag attendee from our 2016's NYC Latch On
Join our Breastfeeding World Village today!
Thank You to our Generous Big Latch On Contributors for Supporting our Community and Making these Events Possible