From the moment I found out I was expecting, I have been a single mom.

To me, to us, it’s just our normal, our life. My friends often tell me that they don’t know how I do it or that I’m Super Woman. But in all honesty, I’m just me, doing the very best I can to be the mom he so deserves.

But some days, I feel that I come up short.

I lose my cool.

I yell despite my best intentions.

I just want to sit on the couch for one minute and not play every minute of every day.

I let us eat out more often than I’d like.

I don’t clean as good and as often as I should.

I get frustrated.

I get cranky.

And coffee. So much coffee.

But for all my shortcomings, all my misgivings, and despite all of this and so much more, he loves me.

And he’s growing up to be the most caring, empathetic, and smart little guy.

So often we focus only on the negative in ourselves. Single mom or not. But what if we all just took a minute to stop and see all of the good.

The ‘round the clock breastfeeding sessions, diaper changes, burping sessions that I did with no help day after day and night after night.

The hours I worked grading and working at night so I could spend the time during the day playing and being there for him.

The hot evening summer walks pushing him in his stroller, frozen teething rings in hand and nothing but a cloth diaper on.

The first time he signed ‘more’ or ‘please’ or ‘I love you.’

The awe in his eyes staring up the Christmas tree all decorated and lit up.

The cuddles he shares with our two dogs and the love he shows all animals.

The three meals a day that we usually cook together, and always eat together.

His smile.

His laugh.

How he stops and picks every single flower he sees to give to me.

How he asks to hold my hand and tells me holding my hand is his favorite.

His hugs.

His kisses.

His love.

When you stop and look back, there really is so much good and so much happiness.

Our children don’t see us in black and white, as good or bad.

They see us, all of us, and love us unconditionally. Isn’t it about time we did the same for ourselves?

Being a mother is hard, and we are only human.

Let us show our children how to make mistakes and then ask for forgiveness, how to lose your temper but then apologize and do better the next time. But most of all, let’s learn to love ourselves and give ourselves the grace we deserve, so that they are able to do the same as they grow up and when they are grown.

If no one has told you lately, you are an amazing mother.

You little one is beyond lucky to have you as their mother, and you are doing a great job.

Celebrate yourself this Mother’s Day, because you more than deserve it.

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