
She’s getting my nose while nursing.

Morning nursing my sweet baby.

Baby Girl getting me while nursing.
For many reasons, when Selfies were becoming increasingly popular, I was very hesitant (and negative) of the concept. How silly was it that young kids, people my age and some older were taking part in something that seemed egotistical and awkward? A picture with just yourself, without someone taking it of you, just seemed crazy.
It only took a couple (maybe three) years for me to reconsider the power of the Selfie. Now, society could have continued to use it like I said above, taking shirtless-mirror pictures one after another. However, after so much time, the Selfie stopped being a single-person, self-absorbed portrait and became a very useful and wonderful way to capture yourself in your most memorable and priceless moments. What better way to use the Selfie than when you’re breastfeeding your baby?
Lo and behold, the Brelfie!
Now, if you are not already aware of the benefits of breastfeeding and why so many mothers are proud of it, know at least this: it is one of the most amazing and cherished times and bond between a mother and her baby. It is natural, beautiful and extraordinary, and well, sometimes unexplainable to describe the bond breastfeeding brings a baby and her mother.
For some, they’re not ready for the Brelfie, as the U.S. culture is going through a large breastfeeding movement on education and advocacy as to why it is important for mother and baby, and why it is our human right to do so wherever, as necessary. There is nothing wrong or sexual about breastfeeding; it is completely natural and what women’s breasts are designed to do.
When I had my son in 2012, I could not have been more confident that I would push through whatever obstacles were thrown at us to make sure I gave him the best and breastfeed him. It was an amazing 15 months of sometimes frustration, dependence, incredible bonding, love and sacrifice I only wish I would have documented more. My husband captured only a few moments, but even I must admit I felt silly and like a weirdo if I thought about taking a Selfie (Brelfie) while breastfeeding. I still covered up while breastfeeding (even in my house!) and I wanted to avoid any discrimination or public humiliation during outings when I needed to feed him.
My son is very special to me and it makes me extremely sad to know I never took a Brelfie our entire breastfeeding time together. I changed, evolved and educated myself so much on breastfeeding during our journey and it breaks my heart to know I did not capture that progress and bond in a picture.
When my daughter was born spring 2014, I told my husband I was going to take a lot of pictures this time! Even though I can’t make up for all the Brelfies with my son by taking a ton with my daughter, at least I learned from my mistakes the first time around by no longer caring about what people might think and stopped being ashamed. This time with my baby girl will only last for so long and I want to capture as much of it as we can because it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
So, don’t forget to take a Brelfie a few times a week, maybe more. You and your baby will always cherish these captured moments of love and bonding breastfeeding brought you, trust me!
What is your opinion about the #Brelfie and it’s impact in our society? Do you feel that nursing mothers should keep posting their nursing pictures? Yes, no? Why? We want to hear from you tell us your thoughs!
Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!
And… Don’t forget to share your brelfies using our HT #BreastfeedingWorld
I am a 27-year-old WAHM to two intelligent and amazing toddlers (3 and 1.5 years), and two stepdaughters (12.5 and 8.5 years). I am a very active and passionate birth advocate working to change regulations, laws and cultural norms in the U.S. to provide parents to be educated and empowered to know all birth rights and options. I am a proud emergency, unplanned c-section, turned all natural, non-medicated VBAC experienced mama! I am a modern-hippie mama practicing attachment parenting, who loves babywearing and toddlerwearing, and of course breastfeeding! I love to laugh with my amazing husband/best friend and to travel to new places with our beautiful family.
For more of my lifestyle and mommy blogging updates, check out my Instagram page @PRbabywearingMama.