Hey there! You want to join the movement as a photographer?
It is a pleasure for us hearing about your interest in being a part of this amazing project as a photographer helping encourage new mothers-to-be. As a Breastfeeding World Photographer, you will help encourage mothers in your community through their breastfeeding journey, and help build awareness in your community. Through your work, you are telling your community, and our online following, that breastfeeding is natural and beautiful.

Photo by Ana Just Photography
We've mentioned before throughout this site, our goal is to share our project in cities around the United States, even stretching around the world. But how can you be a part of it?
By photographing up to 3 mothers who are currently breastfeeding in your community!
As a Breastfeeding World photo shoot, these sessions are gifted to the mothers and babies. We also encourage you to get in touch with a makeup artist and see if he/she would be willing to donate their time and talent for our project. We love variety. That is exactly why we want to have as many talented and passionate photographers as we can! Our goal is to showcase different photography styles while sharing different beautiful stories from each of the participating moms.

Photo by Abigail Montes - Beloved Photos
It is important to remember that as part of our project we also have a short interview done to each of the moms so this will also be required from you, but don’t worry, upon signing up you will receive a “Welcome to the project” digital magazine with further details and with the questions for the interviews.
Once the session is over and edited, you get to submit a blog post. This blog post will give mothers a platform to tell their parenting stories. Together through photo and word, you'll share the struggles they encountered and how they overcame them. Each post will feature in our blog, shared within our growing community.

Photo by Abigail Montes - Beloved Photos
Each artist who collaborates in our project, understands this important commitment. Not just because of the honor of working with such amazing women. But perhaps even more important- because with your combined efforts, we get much closer in achieving a change, and educating future generations. Now I ask you, are you ready to contribute in making a change and being a part of the Breastfeeding World Project….?
If so… Sign up today and prepare to have a great experience!
You can also e-mail us directly at: submissions@breastfeedingworld.org with the following subject "Photographer Submission"