Wednesday, February 17th, 2016
Tomorrow is my 28th birthday and I don’t know why but this is a big one for me. It got me thinking a lot about time, life, and what’s led me to who I am today. Specifically, there’s a lot that’s happened in the last 11 months, leading up to this birthday. I’ve learned more about myself in the last year than I ever have; I’ve worked on and changed all my relationships I have in the last year; and, I’ve really reflected and tried to slow myself down to cherish and focus on my relationship with my husband and children.
Being a mom has always been a top priority for me, but I’ve always been anxious and so hard on myself if things didn’t go how I ‘thought’ they were supposed to go. And because of that there are things I might have missed if I didn’t slow myself down.
I also started my Instagram account in the last year and I started blogging. When I started documenting my babies, my journey of motherhood, and my breastfeeding journey with my daughter I received more positive feedback than I expected; especially, my posts about breastfeeding.
My first post, my first #brelfie, I made it because I realized I basically had no breastfeeding photos with my first, my son, who breastfed for an amazing 15 months. I was already a year in to breastfeeding my daughter and I only had a few of pictures but no brelfies. This is also when I realized this was something I am so proud of, a relationship I’m so honored to have with my daughter, and one I had with my son but have no photos to remember it by.
Breastfeeding is something to be proud of not ashamed of, so why shouldn’t I take more picture and brelfies of myself with my daughter? It’s beautiful and I know I’ll regret it later if I don’t capture this moment in time. So, 30 weeks ago I made a post about breastfeeding, with a brelfie, and it was my top post. I had mamas congratulating me for breastfeeding that long and a few shared their breastfeeding stories, as well. I knew then this was something I had to keep sharing because I think every mama should take more brelfies and not feel ashamed, embarrassed or even just shy about their breastfeeding journey with their baby. Before you know it, that baby of yours is going to stop nursing and not be a baby anymore. And when that time comes you’re going to want to remember those beautiful nursing moments. You’ll want to remember all those sleepless nights when all your baby wanted was you, and those lovely milk-loving days that your baby or toddler just calmed the moment you put her on your lap to nurse. You can’t turn back time and get those moments back, but taking pictures helps keep them.
“…my first #brelfie, I made it because I realized I basically had no breastfeeding photos with my first, my son…”
At 28 years old, I have had three pregnancies, one angle baby and two amazing, beautiful and independent babies born, and for the past three years I have been able to nurture and nourish my two little’s through so much. It’s hard to put in to perfect words why breastfeeding moms are so attached to this part of motherhood with growing and raising their babies because it’s never flaunted with intentions to judge or shame formula-feeding moms. I think the sooner we stop this war between each other by just being compassionate, loving and kind to one another, we can listen (key word*) to each other instead of jumping to conclusions. We post pictures or selfies to share our lives and world with others because we are proud and happy.
For me, sharing a brelfie is me being vulnerable, honest, sensitive, emotional, and proud because I love this part of my journey in to motherhood. I love and appreciate the bond breastfeeding has brought me with both my babies. It’s about my family and me, not what I negatively think about others, which I don’t.
Breastfeeding is natural, beautiful and unexplainable in just one post. And at 28 years old, I’m more confident, calm, patient, and wise to know it’s important to post and take brelfies because I’m so freaking proud of breastfeeding my babies! For me, breastfeeding is an important part of my motherhood and I’m not going to forget it.

One of the first photos my husband took of my daughter and me breastfeeding just a few days postpartum. He used a “fun” filter with his new camera.
Posting on Social Media isn’t for everyone, so I’m not suggesting you must do that in order to properly document or be proud of your breastfeeding journey. I do encourage you to take more pictures if it’s a time in your life and motherhood that you don’t want to forget. What are your favorite nursing or motherhood moments you’ve captured?
Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!
And… Don’t forget to share your brelfies using our HT #BreastfeedingWorld
I am a 27-year-old WAHM to two intelligent and amazing toddlers (3 and 1.5 years), and two stepdaughters (12.5 and 8.5 years). I am a very active and passionate birth advocate working to change regulations, laws and cultural norms in the U.S. to provide parents to be educated and empowered to know all birth rights and options. I am a proud emergency, unplanned c-section, turned all natural, non-medicated VBAC experienced mama! I am a modern-hippie mama practicing attachment parenting, who loves babywearing and toddlerwearing, and of course breastfeeding! I love to laugh with my amazing husband/best friend and to travel to new places with our beautiful family.
For more of my lifestyle and mommy blogging updates, check out my Instagram page @PRbabywearingMama.