breastfeeding world – Breastfeeding World Spreading the Breastfeeding Love, One Latch at a Time Wed, 17 Jun 2020 03:52:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 breastfeeding world – Breastfeeding World 32 32 96133341 No, you did not fail to breastfeed Wed, 17 Jun 2020 03:52:40 +0000 Most women in the US do not breastfeed as long as they intend to. Many feel a sense of failure when this occurres. However, these feelings of sadness and anger, are being misplaced onto oneself when they should be fully on our medical system. Mothers are not failing. Our medical system is failing mothers. How do we expect moms to […]

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Most women in the US do not breastfeed as long as they intend to. Many feel a sense of failure when this occurres. However, these feelings of sadness and anger, are being misplaced onto oneself when they should be fully on our medical system.

Mothers are not failing. Our medical system is failing mothers.

How do we expect moms to successfully breastfeed when many of our doctors, including OBGYNs, Pediatricians, and Family Medicine physicians are not required to take anything more than the minimum education on breastfeeding (usually 1-3 hours course)?

The breast is a very complicated organ, yet in medical school it is mostly discussed in terms of cancer, not it’s intended biological function. How does that make any sense? There is an important body organ that feeds our young and yet doctors that work closely with breastfeeding dyads, don’t need to know anything about it. Formula companies step in daily bringing doctors food and teaching them all about infant feeding.

breastfeeding, failure, breastfeeding failure, breastfeeding world, ibclc, lactation consultant, board certified lactation consultant, breastfeeding challenges

Breastfeeding often does not go as expected.

Why does a doctor need to know about breastfeeding when there are lactation consultants?

Physicians need to know the normal function of the breast, so they are able to know when to properly refer to a specialist. I hear way too often that when breastfeeding isn’t going well, many pediatricians are not referring to a lactation consultant, instead they advise women to use formula.

What is an IBCLC?

Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) are the experts in breastfeeding. However, most parents don’t know that there are many different “pathways” to becoming and IBCLC and there is no “standard” lactation education. Therefore, some IBCLCs have excellent training and some lack skills and proper education. The minimum training that is needed to take the IBCLC exam is usually not enough to really be of help to parents.

For many, becoming an IBCLC can be challenging from a logistics standpoint. You are required to find a mentor and until very recently, learn from them in person for free, or for a nominal fee, but never paid. This puts the credential out of reach for many interested in becoming board certified lactation consultants, especially to people of color that might not have anyone in their area by which to be mentored or people that may not afford to work for free. As a result, access to an IBCLC becomes very difficult for those that need it most.


breastfeeding, failure, breastfeeding failure, breastfeeding world, ibclc, lactation consultant, board certified lactation consultant, breastfeeding challenges

IBCLC with oral motor education assessing an infant’s suck.

Barriers that some parents might face when hiring an IBCLC

Difficulty accessing bilingual professionals: In my state of Colorado Latinos make up more than 20% of the state, however, there is only one IBCLC that speaks Spanish. Therefore, these moms are not getting the same level of care as their English-speaking counterparts.

High out-of-pocket costs: Another barrier is that a lactation visit also usually costs between $150-$200 and most often, it doesn’t just take one visit. This financial aspect can mean the end of breastfeeding for many families.

Contradicting points-of-view: In some occasions, IBCLCs find themselves defending they’re practices when doctors go against their professional recommendation. An IBCLC will give one piece of advice, but when the parent tells their doctor that advice, the doctor contradicts it. Therefore, many parents are left not knowing what to do at all.

Lack of evidence-based information: More formal research is needed regarding breastfeeding and all of its benefits. As of now, a lot of information found is based on “experience” vs “evidence”.  

With all of these challenges, it is no wonder many mothers do not breastfeed as long as they would like. Until these barriers are diminished, women need to use their sadness and anger felt and direct it where it belongs: on our health care system that at times fails to care of our most precious commodity; mothers and babies.


Moms do not fail to breastfeed, but many of them are failed every single day.

Have you ever hired an IBCLC? What has been your experience working with physicians and specialists regarding breastfeeding? 


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El arte de Amamantar: natural, mágico y a la vez desafiante Fri, 12 Jun 2020 22:24:27 +0000 Desde mucho antes de concebir a mi pequeño Theo decidí que cuando llegase el momento de ser madre, iba a amamantar. Mi decisión era tan sólida que durante mi embarazo no contemplé otra opción para alimentar a mi bebé. No investigué sobre las diferentes formulas que existen, ni cuál sería apta o no. Pienso que mi decisión se debió a […]

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Desde mucho antes de concebir a mi pequeño Theo decidí que cuando llegase el momento de ser madre, iba a amamantar.

Mi decisión era tan sólida que durante mi embarazo no contemplé otra opción para alimentar a mi bebé. No investigué sobre las diferentes formulas que existen, ni cuál sería apta o no. Pienso que mi decisión se debió a las influencias culturales que sin querer se convierten en “norma”. Crecí viendo a mis tias y primas amamantar a sus pequeños así que yo no tendría porqué ser la excepción. Me lo propuse y ejercí toda esa presión sobre mi misma sin saber que tan difícil sería…

“Amamantar es alimentar a tu hijo con el elixir de la vida”

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Natalia amamantando a su pequeño Theo, venciendo sus desafíos y logrando una lactancia exitosa.

En mis últimos meses de gestación consulté con una consejera de lactancia, ella solo me reiteró lo que yo ya sabía; “ la lactancia es natural!, tu cuerpo sabrá que hacer, todas las mujeres pueden”… etc. Un pequeño detalle se escapó y considero uno muy importante: todas las mujeres somos diferentes, que pasa si la producción baja? Qué hago para incrementarla nuevamente?! En ese momento no cruzó por mi mente, pues estaba segura que no tendría problema con la producción.

Lamentablemente tuve complicaciones en el postparto. Dislocación de pelvis y dolor crónico en el coxis debido a un desgarre interno durante el parto. Esto fue algo imprevisto y me afectó emocionalmente ya que me veía limitada para cuidar de mi bebé. El dolor era tan extremo que no podía sentarme, y caminaba solo con asistencia.

Amamanté a Theo acostada los primeros dos meses, pero con el pasar de los días empecé a notar una reducción en la producción de leche. Aun así continué amamantando pero lo hacía con más frecuencia, según la consejera: “la estimulación incrementa la producción”. Entonces colocaba a Theo en el pecho cada dos horas sin falla; de día y de noche. Dormía poco pero cada dos horas me levantaba llena de fuerza y empeñada en NO DEJAR de amamantarlo. No quería sentirme derrotada.

Los desafíos se presentan inoportunamente

El desgarre interno no sanó como debía y el dolor solo empeoraba por lo que tuve que ir de urgencias al hospital. Lo que menos esperaba: una infección causó un absceso y tenían que retirarlo quirúrgicamente. Afortunadamente fue un procedimiento ambulatorio pero Theo tuvo que tomar fórmula durante mi ausencia. No podría explicar por escrito que tan difícil fue esta situación para mí. Demasiado abrumante! Me sentía culpable, y negligente por no poder alimentar a mi bebé.

amamantar, lactancia materna, breastfeeding world, breastfeeding world español, ayuda lactancia maternaPor suerte mis abuelos paternos viajaron desde Colombia para conocer a Theo, y aprovechando su estadía le comenté la situación a mi abuela. Ella sugirió que la reducción de leche se debía al estrés por mi condición y mi dolor, y que debia tomar té de una hierba llamada “hinojo”. Según ella era la solución para volver a producir leche y en mayor cantidad! Por supuesto que le pedí a mi esposo de inmediato ir al supermercado por la hierba, y comencé a tomar el té tres veces al día. Después de unas semanas de amamantar cada dos horas y de consumir el té note el incremento.

Empecé a producir más leche y continue amamantándo exclusivamente hasta el dia de hoy! Mi bebé tiene 12 meses y me enorgullece poder amamantarlo. Sé que no es algo posible para todas las mamás pero considero que estos métodos de medicina alternativa pueden ser útiles para aquellas que anhelan amamantar tanto como yo.

Durante tu trayectoria con la lactancia materna, cuál ha sido tu desafío más grande? Déjanos un comentario y no olvides chequear nuestra redes sociales en Instagram y Facebook para más datos sobre maternidad! 

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Challenges NICU mothers face when feeding their baby Thu, 11 Jun 2020 15:03:47 +0000 Skin to skin, first breastfeeding sessions, cuddles, comfort, breast stimulation, suckling, and bonding. All of this can be anywhere from days to months for mums with a baby in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). These moments are cherished and remembered as milestones in a precious fragile life. Vulnerable babies born prematurely or with medical conditions, are born with a […]

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Skin to skin, first breastfeeding sessions, cuddles, comfort, breast stimulation, suckling, and bonding. All of this can be anywhere from days to months for mums with a baby in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). These moments are cherished and remembered as milestones in a precious fragile life.

Vulnerable babies born prematurely or with medical conditions, are born with a challenging start to their lives. Some parents have time to prepare for this with a diagnosis in utero. However, for other parents it becomes a total surprise when one’s baby is quickly whipped away at birth for lifesaving care and treatment. No matter how or what the circumstances are, any NICU mother will face difficulties.

Feeding a NICU baby may be one of the biggest challenges.

Breastfeeding, formula feeding and nasogastric feeding. All of these present their own set of challenges that a NICU mum and her baby have to face.

The road to breastfeeding your baby in the NICU can be a slow and gradual progression. It can be weeks or even months until a baby is ready to independently and exclusively breastfeed. When the time arrives, this moment becomes an exciting and memorable milestone. Some of the limitations a mother faces begins with the access to her own baby. This access can be limited since the newborn may be in an incubator, under photo therapy lights or attached to many machines and tubes. Skin to skin bonding  (which stimulates oxytocins, milk production, and a good latch) may be minimal or even non existent.

Often times, a mother is forced to find other means for bonding and breastmilk production. These may come in the form of expressing breastmilk, looking at photos and hand holding their baby.

Formula feeding a baby in the NICU may be out of a mother’s control.

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Little Hannah’s first breastfeeding session at 1 month of age

A newborn baby needs calculated nutrition right at birth and in the days or weeks following. A mother may struggle with not producing enough breastmilk to sustain her baby. Formula feeding then becomes the right choice for them at the time. There can be some benefits with formula feeding a baby in the NICU.

The time and stress with breastmilk production, expressing and/or latching dissapear. This time is often replaced with bonding and recovering. If feedings are hourly or second hourly some can be attended by a partner or nursing/midwife staff. However, formula feeding can also come with some challenges, especially to a mother who was desperate to breastfeed.

Another very common means for nutrition in the NICU is nasogastric feeding. For any newborn baby, feeding are energy consuming since they must happen around the clock. Precious little ones in the NICU need all the energy they can get to fight for their health and sometimes their life.

Some babies, especially premature babies, have trouble with sucking and swallowing; this can impact on their nutrition intake and therefor their growth and wellbeing. As mentioned above, nasogastric tube feeding is a common source of feeding in the NICU, the good thing about it is that it can be done during a baby’s sleep without disturbing them to complete the feeding. Nasogastric feeding saves them energy and gets the job done. Another positive is that a mother is able to cuddle and hold her baby and even latch him/her to the breast all whilst having a nasogastric feeding. This experience for both mother and baby holds so much value on their wellbeing and recovery.

breastfeeding world, bfw, breastfeeding world writer, nicu, nicu mothers, challenges in the nicu, bfw nicu, nicu, hospital birthFor many NICU mums, figuring out how to feed your baby and give them the best start in life, raises many questions and anxiety.

A baby requires nutrition, growth as well as around the clock, timed and measured feedings. The decisions and anxiety regarding how to best feed a baby are some worries that a mum of a full term healthy baby may not experience to the fullest. For mums, feeding is a synonym of bonding and cuddling. It’s a desire and a goal.

All mums experience the same body and breast changes after birth. Facilitating a NICU mum to have the same opportunities as any other mum is important for the baby’s and her wellbeing. Keep in mind that a mother’s mental health can be affected due to her feeling like she has failed her baby in some way.

Remember that no matter what feeding option you choose, you are doing what is best for your baby at the time given the circumstances. Don’t be hard on yourself.

What was your personal experience with feeding your baby while at the NICU?



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Breastfeeding: What to expect and how to survive the first two weeks Tue, 09 Jun 2020 18:23:03 +0000 The first two weeks of breastfeeding are definitely the hardest. You  are learning how to take care of a new baby, how to take care of  yourself and recover from birth, and learning how this all changes  your family dynamic. While I am not an expert, and I am not a  lactation consultant, I have successfully nursed 3 children within […]

The post Breastfeeding: What to expect and how to survive the first two weeks appeared first on Breastfeeding World.

breastfeeding, breastfeeding world, following the jordans, breastfeeding what to expect, what to expect the first two weeks post partum, postpartum, postpartum breastfeedingThe first two weeks of breastfeeding are definitely the hardest. You  are learning how to take care of a new baby, how to take care of  yourself and recover from birth, and learning how this all changes  your family dynamic. While I am not an expert, and I am not a  lactation consultant, I have successfully nursed 3 children within the  past 5 years. I am not claiming to know everything and I do not want  you to take my advice over a pediatrician or lactation consultant.   Continue reading for how to survive the first two weeks of  breastfeeding.

“Just make it past the first 2 weeks of breastfeeding.” I heard that  over and over during my first pregnancy in 2014. I would then ask  myself, what do they mean the first two weeks? Isn’t it suppose to be  natural and easy? I told myself my body would know what to do.  However, it wasn’t quite that simple. Every breastfeeding journey is  different. My second wasn’t the same as my first, and neither were the  same as my friends.


Breastfeeding has a way of making a woman feel empowered and capable.  It is miraculous. But it can also be exhausting and hard. It can lead  to beautiful moments and WTF moments. It is learning journey that you  and your baby are on together.

The 9 obstacles to overcome the first 14 days of breastfeeding.

1. Learn how to breastfeed.

What positions your baby likes, what  positions you like, what are your babies feeding cues, and what are  their feeding rhythms. Getting a deep latch can be difficult but making a “boob sandwich” can help. Do this by taking your hand in a C shape around your nipple. Touch your nipple to your baby’s upper  lip/nose to get the baby to open wide and shove as much of your boob in.  Each baby will be different. Learn to trust your instincts and do what  works for you and your baby.

2. Get your mind right.

For me that meant I had to know that  everything wasn’t going to go the way I planned, and I needed to be  okay with that. Follow your baby’s lead. If baby acts hungry feed  him/her. There is no such thing as overfeeding a baby in the beginning.

3. The after-pains.

During breastfeeding after having a baby, you will experience minor contractions in your uterus (while uncomfortable at times, it is not nearly what your contractions during childbirth felt like. I promise). When you breastfeed, your body releases oxytocin. This is the same hormone that causes your uterus to  contract. This will continue until your uterus is contracted back down to pre-pregnacy size.

4. Day/Night schedule.

Babies usually have their nights and days mixed up in the beginning. In the womb you were up and active all  day, giving baby the perfect rocking motion to sleep away. At night  your baby became more active when you were resting on the couch after a long day. Their brains stay in this pattern after birth. You can  help your baby with this process by being in sunlight during the day and keeping things quiet and dark at night.

breastfeeding, breastfeeding world, following the jordans, breastfeeding what to expect, what to expect the first two weeks post partum, postpartum, postpartum breastfeeding

Making a “Boob sandwich” to help with getting a deep latch for Breastfeeding. First Baby-April 2015

5. Day 2/3.

Whew, this one is BIG. Your hormones are all out of wack,  you are trying to learn how to take care of a new human, you might be  in pain, and you just want to sleep. This is the stage when you might cry (I did!) and maybe even question if you know how to be a mother.  The thing is–you don’t and you don’t have to. Being a mother,  breastfeeding, parenting; all of it is a learning curve. Its  continuing education. (If you are feeling down, its OKAY. Ask for  help. Postpartum blues can turn into postpartum depression/anxiety. It  is real and it is OKAY and NECESSARY to ask for help).

Determined to breastfeed? Check out 5 Essential Breastfeeding Tips here.

6. Milk milk milk.

When your milk comes in (it is different for each  person, but usually between days 2-5) your breast swell and they hurt.  They are full. Your body doesn’t know how much milk your baby will  need so it over produces during this time. It often becomes difficult  for your baby to latch because of the swelling. You can express a little to soften your breast enough for the baby to latch. The most  important thing for you to do during this time is keep the milk moving. You can do that by breastfeeding, hand expressing, or pumping.  If your breast do not feel soft after nursing your baby, hand  express/or pump. It is important to get your breast soft (not  necessary to be empty) to hopefully avoid engorgement and mastitis.

7. Nipple soreness is real.

Nipple soreness is normal, but there is a  difference in nipple soreness pain and nipple pain that continues.  Your nipples are being pulled, sucked and stretched in ways they never  have been. It is normal to feel a slight discomfort at the beginning  of a feed, but it shouldn’t last longer than 30sec and the rest of the  feed should be comfortable. Any pain that makes you want to cry out, pain that lasts an entire feed, broken skin, or pain that  happens in between feeds is not normal, but can be fixed. You do not  have to suffer through it.

8. Stressing over if your baby is getting enough.

This is a HUGE worry of most moms (myself included). It is distressing to not know how much  your baby is taking in. A baby’s belly is the size of a marble when  they are born, so it doesn’t take much to fill them up in the  beginning. In the beginning, before your milk comes in, you will  produce colostrum (or should I say you will produce MAGIC?!) It is  highly concentrated in nutrients for your baby. A few ways to tell if  your baby is getting enough milk are: you can see your baby  swallowing, weight gain (after the first few days–you will see a  loss), and wet diapers (what goes in, must come out :)) Using a log  can help you keep up with how long you are breastfeeding and what your  baby is peeing/pooping out.

9. The first growth spurt.

Around the 10-14 day period you and your  baby may be in a good routine, but wait- your baby is about to go  through their first growth spurt. You will question everything you have learned about breastfeeding. You will question your milk supply.  Your baby will want to be at the breast ALL. THE. TIME. This is  normal. I repeat, this is normal. This is your baby’s way of telling  your body to up the milk production. Keep putting baby to breast as  much as possible. This will pass. 1.

If you have made it past the first two weeks, you have overcome so  many obstacles. You are AMAZING. If you are still struggling, please  reach out to someone. It is never too late, or too early, to ask for  help.


The First 2 Weeks Of Breastfeeding For Me

Vincent- First Child

breastfeeding, breastfeeding world, following the jordans, breastfeeding what to expect, what to expect the first two weeks post partum, postpartum, postpartum breastfeedingThe first two weeks with my first child were pretty difficult. He  didn’t want to suck, he wouldn’t wake to feed, he fell asleep nursing,  he lost weight…..IT WAS A STRUGGLE.

We went to the lactation consultant 4 times within those first two weeks. I cried. I was mad. I  was tired. BUT I kept pushing through. I woke up every 2 hours around  the clock for the first two weeks. Did you know that the time you  start breastfeeding is when you start your 2-hour timer? I didn’t!  

Example- we started feeding at 9am- he wouldn’t/couldn’t suck and  would fall back asleep so it was 10am before he was done feeding in  the beginning. I had 1 hour to catch up on sleep, or shower, or eat  and then it was back to the same routine again. It was HARD. We went  on to successfully breastfeed for 15 months.

Alexia- Second Child

My second child was ALWAYS waking up hungry but she was a huge spitter and my nipples HURT. The first thing we figured out was that she was  tongue tied. She wasn’t getting a good latch due to the decreased range of motion of her tongue.

Therefore my nipples were destroyed and  she wasn’t transferring well. (For my nipples I used all purpose nipple ointment and soothe pads). After getting her tongue tie fixed,  she was still a HUGE spitter. I am talking at the very least 1-2 oz of  milk came back up.

My pediatrician didn’t believe me when I would tell  her that she would spit it over half of her milk so she sent us to the lactation consultant where we did a weighted feed. Sure enough she spit up and we weighed again. She had lost over half of what she took  in. We tried reflux medication, cutting the top 8 allergens out of my  diet, seeing a GI specialist and even a swallow study (a few months  later).

I was so incredibly worried the first few weeks of her life. I  had milk, she was getting it, but she couldn’t keep it down. We went  on to successfully breastfeed for 13 months.

Callum-Third Child

My third baby, has been the easiest as far as breastfeeding. Not  because this is my third time around, but because he could suck and he kept the milk down. However, my milk didn’t come in until day 6! He would nurse and nurse and nurse every hour it felt like. He was actually gaining weight, but the doctor kept asking me if my milk had come in.

I hadn’t gotten that engorgement feeling yet, and by day 5 I  had started to worry. Finally it came in and all was well. He  preferred the cradle hold on the left, so getting him to nurse on the  right side we had to work at but we did it. We are still breastfeeding  at 7 months now <3.

I know I am lucky with all three of my breastfeeding journeys compared  to some, but I am so proud of us. I am proud of the mama who tried but it just didn’t work. I am proud of the mama who is taking it day by  day. I am proud of the mama who has been breastfeeding for 19 months.  I am proud of the mama pumping around the clock because latching just isn’t working out. I am proud of YOU.

Were the first two weeks hard for you? What helped you get through them? Let me know in comments!


breastfeeding, breastfeeding world, following the jordans, breastfeeding what to expect, what to expect the first two weeks post partum, postpartum, postpartum breastfeeding



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Mommy and Me Costumes – A fun way to enjoy Halloween Thu, 24 Oct 2019 14:33:35 +0000 Having mommy and me costumes is family tradition that has been around for quite a while. For us, it’s quite new but we are loving it!  Nowadays some parents may find that coming up with fun ideas to keep your kids entertained can be quite challenging. With tablets, phones and other electronics around it can be really difficult to spark […]

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Having mommy and me costumes is family tradition that has been around for quite a while. For us, it’s quite new but we are loving it! 

Nowadays some parents may find that coming up with fun ideas to keep your kids entertained can be quite challenging. With tablets, phones and other electronics around it can be really difficult to spark creativity on some children. Can you relate?

As some of you may know, I happen to be a big Harry Potter fan. When I found out I was pregnant I started to put together some ideas for a #Potterhead theme session for my baby girl. It only took us 5 years to get it done but guess what?! We did it and it came out perfect!

Mischief Managed – Our very first Mommy and Me Costumes

mommy and me costumes, breastfeeding world, alegares photography, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, harry potter photo session, harry potter theme photo session, hogwarts theme photos, harry potter photos, marthas vineyard photographer, martha's vineyard photography, halloween photo session, mommy and me costumes, mommy and me halloween costumes

We had recently returned from our very first Salem trip and boy we had fun. Having been able to visit this well known historical site right before Halloween helped spike her desire to dress up as a cute little witch. We had just started reading the Philosopher’s Stone so it was just the perfect timing. 

I still remember her excitement when we unwrapped our somewhat matching mommy and me costumes. Little miss D was so happy to know that her mommy would also be wearing the same Harry Potter cloak. After a good ol’ Harry Potter marathon to gather a storyline idea, we were ready to go.

Although Halloween is not a part of my culture, I decided that it’s a great Holiday to be creative together. We both enjoy getting our makeup done and coming up with some amazing photos that we will cherish forever.

Creating magical images through my photography is one of my favorite things to do, therefore, we both have a lot of fun working on these together.

Little miss D happened to have been working on her Felix Felices potion when all of a sudden, a death eater appeared ready to take it all away. She needed to protect her coveted potion! Armed with all the spells she had learned in her first year at Hogwarts she was able to guard her cauldron.

breastfeeding world, alegares photography, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, harry potter photo session, harry potter theme photo session, hogwarts theme photos, harry potter photos, marthas vineyard photographer, martha's vineyard photography, halloween photo session, mommy and me costumes, mommy and me halloween costumesbreastfeeding world, alegares photography, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, harry potter photo session, harry potter theme photo session, hogwarts theme photos, harry potter photos, marthas vineyard photographer, martha's vineyard photography, halloween photo session, mommy and me costumes, mommy and me halloween costumesbreastfeeding world, alegares photography, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, harry potter photo session, harry potter theme photo session, hogwarts theme photos, harry potter photos, marthas vineyard photographer, martha's vineyard photography, halloween photo session, mommy and me costumes, mommy and me halloween costumes

Our newfound tradition continues

This year was no different! The moment that all the Halloween decorations started to appear in the stores, (I’ve got to admit, a bit too early for my liking!). We were all over them.

Originally, we thought of dressing up as the Power Rangers, because, why not? However, after some thoughtful consideration we wanted a mommy and me costume that would allow us to enjoy and enhance the beautiful fall scenery on the island.  

She had heard a children’s song that I’m sure many of you have heard as well…

“Scarecrow, scarecrow turn around;

Scarecrow, scarecrow touch the ground.

Scarecrow, scarecrow reach up high;

Scarecrow, scarecrow bend down low,

Scarecrow, scarecrow touch your toes.”

With that song in mind we began our search for our perfect mommy and me costumes and I got to say, she picked them right! After a quick Pinterest search for some scarecrow makeup ideas we were ready to go!

breastfeeding world, alegares photography, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, harry potter photo session, harry potter theme photo session, hogwarts theme photos, harry potter photos, marthas vineyard photographer, martha's vineyard photography, halloween photo session, mommy and me costumes, mommy and me halloween costumesbreastfeeding world, alegares photography, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, harry potter photo session, harry potter theme photo session, hogwarts theme photos, harry potter photos, marthas vineyard photographer, martha's vineyard photography, halloween photo session, mommy and me costumes, mommy and me halloween costumesbreastfeeding world, alegares photography, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, harry potter photo session, harry potter theme photo session, hogwarts theme photos, harry potter photos, marthas vineyard photographer, martha's vineyard photography, halloween photo session, mommy and me costumes, mommy and me halloween costumesbreastfeeding world, alegares photography, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, harry potter photo session, harry potter theme photo session, hogwarts theme photos, harry potter photos, marthas vineyard photographer, martha's vineyard photography, halloween photo session, mommy and me costumes, mommy and me halloween costumesbreastfeeding world, alegares photography, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, harry potter photo session, harry potter theme photo session, hogwarts theme photos, harry potter photos, marthas vineyard photographer, martha's vineyard photography, halloween photo session, mommy and me costumes, mommy and me halloween costumesbreastfeeding world, alegares photography, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, harry potter photo session, harry potter theme photo session, hogwarts theme photos, harry potter photos, marthas vineyard photographer, martha's vineyard photography, halloween photo session, mommy and me costumes, mommy and me halloween costumes


We were very lucky to have had three loved ones that helped us pull this 2019 Halloween session together, Shelyn, Ianna & Martin. Thank you!

The process of picking out a theme, choosing our mommy and me costumes and creating the images together has been a great way to push both our creativities to the next level. We shall see what next year brings. In the meantime, we will see you in town trick-or-treating!

If you have never tried doing something like this for Halloween then I surely recommend taking the time and letting your imagination flow! I can promise you and you and your little ones will have so much fun together. 

What is your favorite Halloween movie that you and your family like? Have you guys every mommy and me costumes?

Don’t forget to start sharing your Halloween pictures with us on Instagram using our Hashtag #BreastfeedingWorld for a chance to be featured in our Halloween special!

We are really happy to announce that this coming weekend we will be doing an IG Giveaway! Head over and make sure you follow us, you can win some amazing prizes! Stay tuned.


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Our Story & Mission – Breastfeeding World Mon, 21 Oct 2019 01:42:34 +0000 adminA photography project founded in late 2014 by Alexia Garcia, photographer a Alegares Photography. Breastfeeding World aims to promote breastfeeding and encourage new moms to nurse their babies through the art of photography and story telling.

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Breastfeeding World – A commitment to perseverance and advocacy

Back in late 2013, after having been harassed for nursing in public (with a cover). Alexia Garcia, a NYC based family photographer, decided it was time to use her skills for the better. Helping mothers in her community and around the world quickly became her focus.

Alexia’s main goal was to encourage mothers to embrace all forms of breastfeeding while understanding their rights. Together, with her support system (brother, Christian & mother, Bella Garcia) she conceived and founded Breastfeeding World.

What started as a beautiful photo project, rapidly became a powerful global movement. Families around the world were able to access with firsthand information about all-things motherhood related.


Sharing the breastfeeding love

Through our years of hard work, Breastfeeding World has aimed to showcase the beauty and essence of breastfeeding. Our powerful images allowed for this project to evolve into a strong growing community. Women are able to find guidance, support & encouragement to nurse confidently.

Since its conception, Breastfeeding World has strived to be artistic and creative. We provide our audience with curated images that showcase the reality and beauty of motherhood.

Our spirit of compassion and motivation towards motherhood, allows us to effectively connect with women around the world who seek support to become more confident their individual journeys.

Breastfeeding World began as an activism project using the art of photography. 

To provide families with the resources and information needed to achieve their long-term breastfeeding goals while challenging the status quo one image at a time.

  • Foster a culture of respect and belonging where everyone is welcomed & valued.
  • Change lives through public engagement and advocacy. 
  • Build trust with our members and partners.
  • Partnership & collaboration are our key to success.
  • Cultivate creativity, strive for innovation and fresh ideas. 

There are many ways you can join our global movement and be a part of something big. 

Breastfeeding World Foundation, Inc. 

  • Become a volunteer contributor and BFW writer. 
  • Let your creativity flow and become a BFW photographer. 
  • If you’re a parent in search of Q&A then join our online private group

Through our non-profit, Breastfeeding World Foundation, Inc. we create and develop memorable events for the entire family. We partner with medical experts who meet with families during our gatherings.

Volunteer professionals join our cause to help us provide the support every family needs in their parenthood journey.

In 2015, one of Breastfeeding World’s photo participants and volunteer, Lisa Maloney; had the idea of organizing an epic gathering.

With little less than a month, Alexia Garcia started putting together all the details that would lead to the very first NYC Big Latch On in the heart of Times Square.

We expected an average of 30 moms to participate. On August 1stof 2015, 69 breastfeeding mothers gathered in Manhattan-New York City to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week.

As a result, our very first breastfeeding celebration was a real success. Gathering a total of 104 participants, Breastfeeding World became the leader in iconic breastfeeding events in the East Coast.

To sum up, our events are full of expertise information, family activities, amazing photography and a sense of belonging like no other. 

Want to participate? Learn more about our previous Big Latch Ons and find out how you can become a sponsor.

Breastfeeding World aims to deliver fun, artistic, therefore creative ways to help YOU help others. 

Companies we’ve worked with have felt inclined to become partners, they identify with who we are and what we stand for. As a result, these companies have supported our cause and taken pride in sharing the breastfeeding & motherhood love.

Learn more about ways you can work with us to position your brand. 

Get to know us more!

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A new endeavor: Birth Story Model Calls on Martha’s Vineyard Fri, 18 Oct 2019 20:48:24 +0000 There is certainly a feeling of extreme joy and excitement whenever you decide to start following your dreams. Listening to that voice in your head pushing you forward is freeing… Can you relate? For months, I’ve been mulling the idea of documenting one of the most empowering moments in a mother’s life. Her child’s birth! Taking back my creative outlet… […]

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There is certainly a feeling of extreme joy and excitement whenever you decide to start following your dreams. Listening to that voice in your head pushing you forward is freeing… Can you relate?

For months, I’ve been mulling the idea of documenting one of the most empowering moments in a mother’s life. Her child’s birth!

Taking back my creative outlet…

When I moved back to live on Martha’s Vineyard, I had to find a way to make ends meet. I was lucky enough to have found a full time job in a place that I absolutely love. For the past three years, my main focus has been to grow in my professional career while keeping up with motherhood.

This new found lifestyle meant that as much as I wanted to continue on with Breastfeeding World, as dedicated as I was before, it was practically impossible. After our most recent Big Latch On event in Times Square this past August 4th, I realized that something needed to change… Me.

Breastfeeding World has allowed me to get to know many many families. Since its conception back in 2013 I’ve been able to photograph over 150 mothers/families from different countries, ethnicities and beliefs. The best part of it all is that I’ve been able to learn about their parenthood journeys.

You know that feeling of pure accomplishment, wonder, passion, pride and happiness? That is what photography has meant to me since the day I grabbed my first camera. For the past three years my photography business has been somewhat dormant, just “a hobby for when I had time”. That phase has now come to an end.

Join us in our new and exciting endeavor our Martha’s Vineyard Birth Story Model Calls

My desire to continue documenting your family’s milestones with creativity, care and love has taken over. It’s time to take back your birthing experience and we can document every part of it together!

I’ve decided to host a Martha’s Vineyard Birth Story Model Call. I’d like to offer island families a chance to document this special loving day. These photo sessions are discounted to allow Breastfeeding World to introduce its photography services on the island.


breastfeeding world, breastfeeding world photography, alexia garcia, alegares photography, birth story photography model call, birth photography model call


Standby Martha’s Vineyard Birth Story Model Call

Birth photography is story telling of the moments that lead up to your baby’s arrival and afterwards.  The moment when you summoned up the strength to keep going after you believed you had reached your limit.  The moment when your partner expressed love, care and appreciation for what you were enduring to deliver your baby. The moments when your support team stepped in.  And finally, the moment when your baby first arrived into the world. The expression on your face and on your partner’s face when you first laid eyes on your newest family member!

Standby birth photography means that I’m not on-call.  This means that although I will not clear my calendar as I would if I was “on-call” (where I would have no other events scheduled from week 38-42 of your pregnancy) I will have my phone on me and available to you within reason based of my previous commitments.

There is no commitment for you to sign a contract or pay the full session fee until you call to tell me that you are in labor and I arrive. You will receive copy of all the documents to be signed prior to your due date so you can read through it ahead of time.

You will notify me when you’re headed to the hospital or when you contact your mid-wife. If there are no major impediments I will be there within minutes to capture your labor and delivery.

The Standby Martha’s Vineyard Birth Story Model Call includes: 

  • Planning consultations on the phone, via e-mail or in person to discuss your birth plan.
  • I’ll be there for you and your family starting with your active labor up to 1.5 hrs after your delivery.
  • A custom gallery that includes 40-80 edited digital images in B&W and/or color that you can download directly to your computer.
  • Print release so you at print at your convenience.

The regular cost of our basic birth photography sessions begins at $1500 and I’m offering it for only $500. Because this is a model call, I’ve significantly reduced the cost by 65%+ savings!

A $150 booking fee is required to confirm your participation in the model call, the remaining amount will be accepted once we meet for your birth coverage to being.  APPLY NOW

Fresh 48 Sessions & Lifestyle Model Call

My favorite moments to capture are those full of strength, love, excitement, and raw emotion. I love capturing the sparkle in your eyes as you hold your baby close, the way your partner’s hands become gigantic with your small baby inside them. The first few weeks of a baby’s life are incredible and I want you to be able to remember those moments forever too.

The Fresh 48 Model Call includes:

  • Planning consultations on the phone, via email or in person.
  • A loose on-call schedule to capture you and your new family within 48 hours of birth.
  • A 1 hour session at the place of birth to document your baby, you and your partner, your new family members meeting your new baby for the first time.
  • A custom gallery that includes 10 edited photos that you can share and use for your birth announcements.

The Lifestyle Family Model Call Session includes:

  • Planning consultations on the phone, via email or in person.
  • An at home comfortable 1 hour session to document your family with your new addition. This includes time for feedings, we go at your own pace. These sessions would take place up to 15 days after your baby is born.
  • A custom gallery that includes 10 edited photos that you can share and use.

The regular cost of our Fresh 48 & Lifestyle Family Sessions start at $450 but for the purpose of this model call I’m offering it for only $200. APPLY NOW

A signed contract and model release are required for any of these sessions. Images taken may be used in promotional material for our website and social media platforms. 

Want to know more about Breastfeeding World? How it all began? Make sure you follow our Instagram to see our work and like our Facebook Page to be up to date on everything Motherhood related!

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5th annual Big Latch On in Times Square, a celebration to remember Sun, 11 Aug 2019 15:17:24 +0000 Our 5th annual Big Latch On in Times Square took place this past Saturday August 3rd during World Breastfeeding Week. It was probably one of the most amazing ones I've ever had.  About five years ago, the concept of showcasing how natural and beautiful breastfeeding is started. For a few weeks I went on and on, thinking how I could […]

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Our 5th annual Big Latch On in Times Square took place this past Saturday August 3rd during World Breastfeeding Week. It was probably one of the most amazing ones I've ever had. 

About five years ago, the concept of showcasing how natural and beautiful breastfeeding is started. For a few weeks I went on and on, thinking how I could achieve this while still being able to share the different experiences that mothers had. That is when the Breastfeeding World photo project took place.

For approximately 2 months, I dedicated myself to capturing beautiful breastfeeding portraits. I had the opportunity of meeting over 60 New York City mothers who participated in the first photo call. We went to different iconic locations throughout New York City and photographed these beautiful women, nursing their little ones in public. It was epic!

Breastfeeding World was quickly becoming a resource of inspiration and support for our local moms. Yet, there was still so much to be done. In the beginning of July of 2015 one of our photo session participants and beloved friend, Lisa Maloney, had a crazy idea: “Let’s hold a Breastfeeding World Big Latch On in Times Square”, she said.

Sharing the Breastfeeding Love one event at a time

lactavism, breastfeeding moms in times square, NYC Big Latch On, breastfeeding world, nyc breastfeeding world, alexia garcia, alegares photography

Breastfeeding World's first Big Latch On in Times Square. August 2015

With a month to prepare and a whole lot of sleepless nights, I was leading the Breastfeeding World’s team. We planned and executed one of the most iconic Big Latch On events that have ever happened: 69 nursing mothers came together in Times Square to breastfeed their little ones in support.

This was the beginning of five full years of annual breastfeeding events. We took our celebrations from NYC to several other states, including two countries: Guam and Ecuador.

Our Breastfeeding Celebrations have gathered strong women who have gotten the opportunity to meet like-minded families, and support each other’s journeys. Strong friendships have developed. But most importantly, a sense of empowerment has surrounded each and every one of our events.

Back in 2016, I had to relocate to Massachusetts. Although organizing these events seemed impossible, we pulled it off each and every year. Thanks to our Breastfeeding World Volunteers our events took form and place. Our focus has always remained the same: to bring our mothering community together. Supporting and encouraging each other in our breastfeeding journeys has been one of our main goals. 

Breastfeeding World – a community of love

These past two years have been a real challenge for Breastfeeding World. As the leader, I have encountered a few personal “blocks” along the way. Making it difficult to keep up.

In 2017 a professional development opportunity arose, and I took it. I was promoted to department supervisor in the local hospital I work at. To say that juggling motherhood, school activities, being a full-time working mom, managing Breastfeeding World and the overall ups and downs of life has been difficult, is a BIG understatement!

In 2018, Breastfeeding World underwent a few transitions: a shift in its volunteer team, a website re-design as well as the expansion of our events to Guam & Ecuador. It was not easy, but we did it.

Then this year came…

As much as I love Breastfeeding World and all that it stands for, I was overwhelmed with having to juggle all of the responsibilities I already had. I made up my mind that there was no way our annual breastfeeding celebration would happen this year. It was not until my dear friend Lisa Maloney, and my fellow BFW co-founders, brother Christian and mother Bella Garcia called me that I started re-thinking it. 

Lisa reminded me that we are all humans, as mothers we can only do so much. She also reminded me of all the beautiful reasons why Breastfeeding World has significantly grown. As well as all the help and support it has provided to so many around the world. Instead of judging me for feeling overwhelmed and somewhat powerless, she embraced me with encouragement.

"Your eyes gleam with excitement when you talk about the BFW events," said another friend of mine.

After this small intervention of love and deep understanding, I came to the realization that our Breastfeeding World celebrations needed to happen. Not because of me, but because of the lives that it would impact. Even my sweet baby girl (who’s not a baby anymore) said: “Mami, I can’t wait to work in our BFW event”.

Just like five years ago: with a little over a month to go, I started promoting the event. With non payed 2019 sponsors, very limited financial resources, but a whole lot of willingness and love, my family and I traveled from Massachusetts to NYC for our…

 5th Annual Big Latch On in Times Square

Breastfeeding World's 5th annual Big Latch On in Times Square. - ©Alegares Photography

To some, this year’s event might’ve been way smaller and a whole lot different from previous years. For me, this year’s event was one of the most powerful ones yet. Despite the challenges faced, I was once again able to touch the lives of the amazing NYC mothers that attended our 5th annual Big Latch On in Times Square.

This event was intimate. It was beautiful, and extremely empowering. Our 5th annual Big Latch On in Times Square was a true demonstration of love and commitment. It reminded me that Breastfeeding World is a community of love and real appreciation for one another.

I was excited seeing some old faces that have grown with us. But it was also very fun getting to know new mommies and daddies who were thrilled to be a part of something so big, yet small at the same time. Babies as little as 10 days old came to celebrate with us this unique event. It was so refreshing seeing 2 & 3 year old nurslings who were more than happy to be having their "milkies, tities, tatas". 

Breastfeeding World's 5th annual Big Latch On in Times Square. - ©Alegares Photography

An event to remember, an event to cherish

"Meeting in Times Square to breastfeed with all the other moms that traveled from near and far, was such an inspiring event. We all had separate challenges but we pushed through them making it to that moment on the TKTS stairs to nourish our little ones. Getting the opportunity to nurse together made me a little emotional as I connected with other moms and we discussed our experiences. I left feeling empowered, understood and supported.” – Susie Davies Concelmo, 2019 NYC BLO participant.


"It was a beautiful gathering! To see so many women immediately able to strike up conversations, to have so many content babies and children all gathered together is a statement to how natural and nurturing the breastfeeding journey is.” – Cassandra Addams, 2019 NYC BLO participant.

"This was my second year coming out. It was wonderful to meet with familiar and new faces. There’s just something about being with other women, (and men!), taking pride and standing firm in breastfeeding. It creates this great space of empowerment and resolve you can take home with you to use to continue to dispel stigma and pressure to not publicly breastfeed. 


It was great to be in that energy. All of the dads got to bond and feel pride in the breastfeeding journey and their important involvement as supporters, and well, as dads! We got to see other families with older tots and kids too. Seeing a generation of breastfed kiddies growing up and flourishing was heartwarming and inspirational.


This is the kind of event that really showcases how breastfeeding isn’t an isolated thing. On the contrary, it's something that involves and positively affects the whole family because it positively affects the children.” – Teena Botan, 2019 NYC BLO participant.

My deepest gratitude to you all

Breastfeeding World began after I became a mother to my beautiful baby girl. It began after I was told: “we don’t do ‘THAT’ in here,” while shopping in a children’s clothing store in the UWS. It began after I felt powerless and disoriented by the double standards surrounding a women’s body. It began after I felt the need to be the voice of many through my photography. It began because of each and every one of you, so, THANK YOU.


marthas vineyard, celebrating martha's vineyard breastfeeding moms, martha's vineyard breastfeeding moms, breastfeeding, breastfeeding moms, breastfeeding world, big latch on, martha's vineyard breastfeeding moms

Our breastfeeding journey lasted 4.5 years, it was not easy but it was worth it! - ©Alegares Photography


Throughout these past five years, Breastfeeding World has given me a reason to keep on going and pushing forward despite the many obstacles. Although my daughter and I stopped breastfeeding at 4.5 years, I feel that my “nursing relationship” with BFW is still going on (if you know what I mean!). That strong bond and connection we share, grows deeper every day. Despite my imperfections as its “mother,” I feel that BFW has been able to thrive because of you.

Our commitment to empowering women around the world is what keeps us going day to day. Breastfeeding World will continue moving forward and just like our individual motherhood journeys. We will continue sharing the breastfeeding love one day at a time. So, hold on tight! Are you ready for our epic ride?

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts. What would you like to see more of in the future from Breastfeeding World? Please share them in the comment section below!.  

Don't forget! Check out our social media pages to keep up with the breastfeeding love.

If you participated in the event and would like to see more pictures please register to view our gallery. You may purchase images directly through the site, thank you for supporting Breastfeeding World. 


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Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms Tue, 04 Sep 2018 07:04:00 +0000 adminA photography project founded in late 2014 by Alexia Garcia, photographer a Alegares Photography. Breastfeeding World aims to promote breastfeeding and encourage new moms to nurse their babies through the art of photography and story telling.

The post Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms appeared first on Breastfeeding World.


Summer, oh summer! It’s certainly one of the best seasons of the year but it’s also one of the busiest as well. Specially if you happen to live on the beautiful island of Martha’s Vineyard. 

This year Breastfeeding World hosted its third annual Martha’s Vineyard Big Latch On and boy was it a good one. Back on August 5th, 16 Martha’s Vineyard breastfeeding moms came together once again to make this event a great one.

Some new faces and some returning mothers who year by year make these events well worth it.

One of the special things I love about our Martha’s Vineyard Latch On is how intimate and empowering it always is. I’ve been able to see how these mamas and babes grow in their journeys and this year I had the opportunity to photograph the same ladies I met back in 2015 when we held our very first Breastfeeding World photo session on the island.

This time around, they came with their new babes and a full-term nursling. (Kudos to Sarah and Mili, you make us proud!).

The beauty of breastfeeding and motherhood is that each journey is completely different and unique in its own way. Not only from mother to mother but from baby to baby as well. No matter how many books you may read or how many classes you may attend to, by the time that the baby comes you might be very informed as to what is about to happen but, are you really ready? Probably not.

During this year’s Martha’s Vineyard Big Latch On a momma told me she wasn’t sure whether or not I would continue on with the events due to me not nursing anymore… Let me take the chance and tell you all a short version of my story, the one probably none of you know….

My sweet mini-me was born on this gorgeous island, surrounded by beautiful landscapes that make this location THE place to be during summer.  My experience with giving birth was astounding, I went in not feeling prepared but my birthing team at the Hospital was amazing.

I was very fortunate, although my baby’s father was not present and I was/am a single momma, I had more than what I had wished for: I had my mother and my sister next to me, they were part of my unmedicated natural birth and everything that came thereafter.

I can assure you that without them my breastfeeding journey would’ve only been a few weeks affair.

My mother Bella and my sister Shelyn, two breastfeeding veterans with 8 children altogether knew exactly what to do in my moments of despair. With tears in my eyes I recall one time begging them to take my baby away because the pain of nursing and cracked nipples was unbearable. (Can you relate?)

Mom would cook all the healthy foods that my body needed to recover while Shelyn would help me take care of the baby. My mama would pass on some old wives’ tales from Ecuador while teaching me some great breastfeeding techniques and some massages to relief engorgement and potential clogged ducts.

With their support I made it past the challenging first three weeks of breastfeeding. Tears flowing down my face on several occasions but they never let me quit when I wanted to.


Our next milestone was 6 months, we made it. One full year, we made it. Eighteen months, we made it. Two years, we made it… until we kind of stopped keeping track.

My sweet mini-me nursed for 4 ½ years and weaned off earlier this year. Was it a bumpy ride? HELL YASS! Was it worth it? Every minute of it.


Today, as we lay down to sleep, (we bedshare baby!) there are nights where she turns looking for her ‘tities’. She knows that no milk comes out but she feels safe and that’s all that matters.

Did I encounter criticism for nursing beyond 2 years? Yes. Was it uncomfortable? At times, yes. Did it matter at the end? No. My baby has grown to be a sweet child who is happy and smiles quite often, she knows that mommy works so hard on Breastfeeding World and she loves helping me every way she can.

To you my sweet mama, who wasn’t sure the events would continue because I stopped nursing… Oh YES they will!

Little mini-me was who inspired me to start Breastfeeding World in the first place, our journey through breastfeeding and motherhood in general is what kept me going. Getting to know women who identified with each other in many ways was my fuel to push through.

Although we stopped nursing this year there are thousands of new mothers (and existing ones) that are going through their breastfeeding & motherhood journeys and they Need. Us. 

Breastfeeding World is bigger than my baby and I because now, all of you are part of its history as well as its success.

The Martha’s Vineyard Big Latch On is all about celebrating you, strong women and mothers who lift each other up. No matter in what phase of your motherhood journey you may be in, at some point you will need the support system that I thankfully had and that is what we aim to be for you all: the encouraging voice that pushes you through all the obstacles.

Let us all celebrate these amazing Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms, you are amazing!

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

breastfeeding mothers took over times square, times square big latch on, big latch on, NYC big latch on, new york city big latch on, new york city breastfeeding mothers, NYC breastfeeding, NYC breastfeeding world, breastfeeding world, nursing moms breastfeed

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

breastfeeding mothers took over times square, times square big latch on, big latch on, NYC big latch on, new york city big latch on, new york city breastfeeding mothers, NYC breastfeeding, NYC breastfeeding world, breastfeeding world, nursing moms breastfeed

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

breastfeeding mothers took over times square, times square big latch on, big latch on, NYC big latch on, new york city big latch on, new york city breastfeeding mothers, NYC breastfeeding, NYC breastfeeding world, breastfeeding world, nursing moms breastfeed

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

2018 Breastfeeding World’s sponsors

Kindred Bravely, Diamond Contributor to Breastfeeding World's Big Latch On

We have so much love for our Platinum Sponsor @KindredBravely! Through the Spring and Summer they have sponsored our Breastfeeding Photoshoots and provided every guest with a nursing pad in our swag bag and each Big Latch On location with an amazing raffle prize for a mom! Find out more about them at

@cookiesformilknyc  cookies are full of all the right ingredients and no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. Head to their website to read about the 5 galactogogues in their cookies. Cookies for Milk is a Diamond sponsor for Breastfeeding World’s multi-city Big Latch Ons! You were able to find awesome goodies from their line in every Swag Bag!

We loved having @fabulanebulae as our Gold Sponsors for our Seattle and Martha’s Vineyard Big Latch Ons! The Salve to Quiet the Storm was the first product Fabula Nebulae created, in the family’s search for a natural product to heal their children’s skin. The Quiet Storm is a soothing and calming concoction that is the base for all of Fabula Nebulae’s natural, fair trade products to meet every family’s needs!

What are your tips for saving every last drop of milk? For breastfeeding moms, we all know that leaky boob syndrome will happen at any time, any where. Thank goodness for Milk Savers from @fairhaven_health! As a Double Gold Sponsor for our multi-city Big Latch Ons, Moms in Seattle and New York City Big Latch Ons will have a chance to win one Fairhaven Health Prize pack, which includes Milk Savers! Tag a mom who needs this now! Get more from Fairhaven Health at

We’re so excited to announce @mollychanson as our Gold Sponsor for Breastfeeding World’s New York City Big Latch On! Molly is the designer and founder of Soulma, an urban women’s clothing brand that fits and flatters women in all stages of their life, including motherhood! Check out more of Molly’s awesome urban line at, plus enter to win an amazing 3-piece gift when you make a purchase using the code “SOULSUMMER” and save 20% as an added perk!

@mrspatels is a Gold Sponsor for Seattle’s Big Latch On event! We’re so excited to have them on board. Mrs. Patel’s lactation treats and teas are an awesome addition for moms who are looking for options to get the best nutrients in while building milk supply. You can check out more at!

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Alexia Garcia – Mother, Photographer & BFW Founder Thu, 12 Jul 2018 02:21:11 +0000 adminA photography project founded in late 2014 by Alexia Garcia, photographer a Alegares Photography. Breastfeeding World aims to promote breastfeeding and encourage new moms to nurse their babies through the art of photography and story telling.

The post Alexia Garcia – Mother, Photographer & BFW Founder appeared first on Breastfeeding World.

breastfeeding world founder, breastfeeding world photographer, cape cod photographer, alexia garcia, marthas vineyard photographer, breastfeeding photographer, family photographer in cape cod, newborn photographer, birth photographer, alexia garcia breastfeeding world, birth photography breastfeeding world

Breastfeeding World Founder, Professional Photographer, Full-Time Working Mother

I believe we can all relate to the fact that life as a new mom is challenging in every way. One day you are enjoying a night out with your husband, partner, friends or family and the next you are juggling 20,000 things that are thrown at you. It feels like an everyday battle, for real!

A few years back, when I was pregnant with my little girl I was living in the city that “never sleeps”, in the city that “all dreams come true”;New York City.

At the time, both me and my unborn baby were going through very challenging high risk pregnancy, I was 21 years old and not prepared to be a single mommy. Most importantly, I thought I was not prepared to handle the required life changes that were to come. There was no other choice…

Since my high school years I had always been passionate about photography. After my daughter was born, I spent countless hours in front of my camera hoping to capture her every move. As a result, little by little I started finding joy in documenting our daily lives. I was able to re-kindle with my photography education and spent many more hours working along side very talented photographers who became my mentors.

Meanwhile, I found myself being called to document special moments in my client’s lives. As a photographer, my goal has always been to capture candid interactions that are full of raw emotions. Most importantly, you are the main focus in this whole process and capturing the essence of what makes you, YOU is what I aim for. 

Photography – A passion that lead to activism

While living in New York City I had been harassed for breastfeeding in public. Consequently, In late 2013 I created the New York City Breastfeeding World photo project with the intention of showcasing the beauty of nursing. Above all, mothers needed to stand together and support each other in their journey, that’s were I came in.

I partnered with several makeup artists and other fellow photographers in the area and we were able to gift 80+ NYC moms with a beautiful breastfeeding portrait session. From that point on, there was no going back!

As a result, Breastfeeding World has become an important platform for many parents around the world. It provides them with a level of encouragement and support that many need on a daily basis. I am confident that by sharing our experiences new moms will feel empowered to continue on their breastfeeding and motherhood journeys.

What started as an artistic photo project has now become a fast growing global community of like-minded women who are united by their passion for motherhood. Together, with unique stories, amazing one-of-a-kind events and professional advice, we are becoming that new momma’s support system. Being the Breastfeeding World founder has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. 


“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” — Aaron Siskind

Let’s connect! Join me on my motherhood rollercoaster! 

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The joys of being a full-time working momma

When we moved back to live on Martha’s Vineyard our lifestyle needed to change a bit. I was fortunate to find a full time job to be able to sustain my daughter. For the past couple of years I’ve been working alongside some amazing professionals in a place I call my second home… Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. 

If you don’t find me behind my lens creating special memories for my clients or behind my laptop fiercely working as the Breastfeeding World founder; you will find me in the Rehab and Wellness department running our every day operations and advocating for our patients. 

I have to admit that my favorite part of every day is getting home. The most beautiful smile awaits me by the door, eager to give me a welcome hug. Therefore, this constitutes as being the true joy of full-time working momma. 

Fun Facts to know About Me

  • I’m a Latina, born and raised in Guayaquil, Ecuador. 
  • Fluent in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
  • Became a Harry Potter Fan early on. In other words, you may call me a #Potterhead.
  • I may or may not be somewhat addicted to frozen yogurt. 
  • Love dancing all the latino rhythms out there. 
  • Culture, History and Archaeology are some of my favorite topics of discussion.
  • Karaoke? Only while driving to-from work. 

Ready to work together creating unforgettable memories that you will treasure for a lifetime? Get in touch!

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A glimpse of NYC’s Breastfeeding World Wed, 25 Apr 2018 03:23:30 +0000 Alexia GarciaI’m a proud mom to a beautiful little girl who is the reason of all my smiles | Creator and founder of the Breastfeeding World Project – passionate about normalizing breastfeeding | Professional photographer serving New York City

The post A glimpse of NYC’s Breastfeeding World appeared first on Breastfeeding World.


New York City is where Breastfeeding World began, to us this amazing beautiful city is full of magic and dreams come true.

This past April 7th our dearest friend Molly Ades from Soul Ma invited me to join her and the rest of our beloved NYC mamas at the 2018 MommyCon. With much excitement we initiated the trip back home and decided that during our time there we would be hosting one of our iconic NYC’s Breastfeeding World Photo sessions.

During these past few years that I’ve had the opportunity of photographing women from so many different backgrounds I’ve learned that less is better. I’ve always wanted to showcase the essence of what breastfeeding looks like in their daily lives and this was not going to be any different.

NYC’s Breastfeeding World, empowering women one picture at a time

Motherhood itself can be challenging, being a nursing mother in a super busy city is not as easy as it may seem. Standing up for the normalization of breastfeeding in public can be intimidating but doing it with a group of women that you know support you and share your same goal is truly empowering.

NYC's breastfeeding world, breastfeeding, new york city mothers, breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding world,

Breastfeeding is natural, breastfeeding is pure, breastfeeding is love…

Kimmy Meyer

“Breastfeeding was something I knew I definitely would do for my baby. I don’t remember when I made that decision along my journey of pregnancy, but I knew that I didn’t want to formula feed. I read a ton of books while pregnant which made me aware of all the amazing things breastfeeding can provide for my baby.

One of the best books I read was La Leche League’s book, “The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding.” I decided to breastfeed because I read about all the health benefits my son gets from breastmilk. His health is a top priority to me so this just made sense. I love the bond we’ve created now from breastfeeding as he’s been exclusively breastfed now for 6 months.” – Kimmy Meyer

NYC's breastfeeding world, breastfeeding, new york city mothers, breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding world, NYCs breastfeeding world, NYC breastfeeding coalition, breastfeeding in public

Photo by our founder Alexia Garcia – Alegares Photography

NYC's breastfeeding world, breastfeeding, new york city mothers, breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding world, NYCs breastfeeding world, NYC breastfeeding coalition, breastfeeding in public

Photo by our founder Alexia Garcia – Alegares Photography

#DidYouKnow New York State was the first state in the nation to pass a law protecting a mother’s right to breastfeed in public.

It is a civil rights law, NY CLS Civ R 79-e (Article 7 Miscellaneous Provisions).

1994 NY ALS 98; 1994 NY LAWS 98; 1994 NYSN 3999 79-e Right to Breast Feed. Not with standing any other provision of law, a mother may breastfeed her baby in any location, public or private, where the mother is otherwise authorized to be, irrespective of whether or not the nipple of the mother’s breast is covered during or incidental to the breast feeding.

Sometimes pictures that have less of a “production” per say encompass more of the reality. One of the many blessings I’ve had with creating this beautiful platform and seeing it grow is having met many families that throughout these years have grown together with us and who have formed strong and personal relationships as well as amazing friendships.

Lissette, Ralph and little Lola

During NYC’s Breastfeeding World photo session I had the chance of seeing this amazing family again. They’ve accompanied us since our very first NYC Big Latch On back in 2015.

Seeing Lola grow up and knowing her mom’s determination for breastfeeding has given me so much joy.

NYC's breastfeeding world, breastfeeding, new york city mothers, breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding world, NYCs breastfeeding world, NYC breastfeeding coalition, breastfeeding in public

Photo by our founder Alexia Garcia – Alegares Photography

“When I was pregnant, my original goal was to breastfeed at least 6 months. That was very hopeful for me because I came from a large family where there was always a new baby around but breastfeeding was not something that was usually celebrated or encouraged. I was happy to find support in my sister, who became well versed in the benefits of breastfeeding through her job at a W.I.C. Office.

I found more support in various facebook groups, which lead me to the 1st NYC Big Latch On event. Where I found so much enlightenment that I resolved to breastfeed as long as it was best for my daughter and I. During this photo shoot, I was very emotional because seeing other moms nursing their younger babies made me realize how I took for granted how amazing being able to breastfeed for this long truly is. How much comfort and love my child still finds in nursing 3 and a half years later.

How we made it all the way here from not even being able to get a latch and having to give her a couple ounces of formula when she was first born. All the panic from those early days, erased by an amazing breastfeeding relationship nearly 4 years later.” – Lissette Perez

NYC's breastfeeding world, breastfeeding, new york city mothers, breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding world,

Photo by our founder Alexia Garcia – Alegares Photography

Liza Price

During NYC’s Breastfeeding World photo session we had the tremendous pleasure of seeing this mama return. Liza participated in our photo project back in 2014 with her little Reuben. This year we had the opportunity to meet her second baby boy who gave us so many smiles and reminded us why we started and why we keep on going.

NYC's breastfeeding world, breastfeeding, new york city mothers, breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding world,

Photo by our founder Alexia Garcia – Alegares Photography

Raquel Sandino & Baby Joseph

“I always knew I wanted to breastfeed. My mother breastfed both my brothers and I so it just seemed natural to me. I never realized how stressful and sometimes painful it would be in the beginning, but I had my mother and my best friend who also breastfed her daughter to encourage and help me along the way.

Joseph and I are now 19 months in with no plans on stopping until he self-weans. I love the bond that was forged through breastfeeding and wouldn’t have it any other way.”- Raquel Sandino

NYC's breastfeeding world, breastfeeding, new york city mothers, breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding world,nyc's breastfeeding world

Photo by our founder Alexia Garcia – Alegares Photography

Christiana Manson

For Christiana and her cute baby girl nursing in public without a cover felt a bit intimidating. Being a New York City mama she had done it several times but never felt quite at ease.

When I invited her to join NYC’s Breastfeeding World photo session, I was confident that experiencing this sisterhood of like-minded mamas who welcome and support each other would encourage her. Soon after we started our photo session Christiana was a pro!.

Thank you for believing in us but most importantly, thank you for believing in yourself!

NYC's breastfeeding world, breastfeeding, new york city mothers, breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding world,

Photo by our founder Alexia Garcia – Alegares Photography

“My breastfeeding journey has been really easy from the very beginning. I went to two breastfeeding courses at my birth center when I was pregnant so I felt prepared.

On the day I gave birth, my daughter latched on right away and I had another lactation coach that helped and gave me some tips. I never felt any pain and it has always been one of the best moments that my daughter and I share.

Breastfeeding is also extremely convenient and helped me get some sleep in the beginning when my daughter was still adjusting to life outside the womb.

I really enjoyed our photo session it was sooo empowering being photographed while breastfeeding when people treat breastfeeding like it’s something that needs to be done in the dark as if it’s shameful.

I Loved being the center of attention in a busy intersection it was almost poetic. By doing the photoshoot I was saying Breastfeeding is Not Shameful! Instead it is so beautiful it should be photographed!

I always intended to breastfeed. My mother did and had a good experience breastfeeding. Her experience and the way she talked about breastfeeding as natural and normal definitely impacted my thoughts on breastfeeding. Thank you mom!” – Christiana Manson


We are honored to have Kindred Bravely Sponsor this NYC Photo shoot. Kindred Bravely helps mothers #bravemotherhood. They are also our top Sponsor for our annual Big Latch Ons, which will be held this August 4. Join us on Facebook for more information and details. Plus, look out for our review of the softest pajamas KB created for nursing moms in an upcoming blog post!

Visit Kindred Bravely at and follow them on social @kindredbravely

Kindred Bravely, Diamond Contributor to Breastfeeding World's Big Latch On
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And… Don’t forget to share your brelfies using our hashtag

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From Pretty to Powerful: How Today’s Princess Paradigm has Changed Everything for our Kids Mon, 22 Jan 2018 13:00:07 +0000 The Princess Paradigm of Our Youth was simple The princesses we grew up with were beautiful and in love.  They were also victims of circumstance. To play princess meant two things. First, you must be beautiful. Second, you must fall in love with a handsome prince. And the prince didn’t matter. Heck, half of them didn’t have names in my […]

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The Princess Paradigm of Our Youth was simple

The princesses we grew up with were beautiful and in love.  They were also victims of circumstance. To play princess meant two things. First, you must be beautiful. Second, you must fall in love with a handsome prince. And the prince didn’t matter. Heck, half of them didn’t have names in my girlhood memories. You see, only the princess mattered. Only the beauty, grace, and passion of love mattered.

From Pretty to Powerful: How Disney is changing the Princess Paradigm for our Children

As I grew into womanhood, I felt repulsed at the princess image

I hated everything it stood for. To make choices or wait for a man to rescue you is ridiculous. Pretty isn’t everything. I felt determined to raise my daughter differently. No princess fascination. No Barbie’s, whose focus was only shopping and Malibu Ken.  My daughter would be raised to value hard work, compassion, intelligence, and strength.

Posts you May also like: “My Preschool Princess, You are never Merely Pretty” from Breastfeeding World.

I never wanted my children to grow up thinking that “pretty” was important. Forget society. But that’s difficult. Because if you are a “pretty” child, lots of doors open quickly for you. You see, growing up, I was always told how beautiful I was. Poor me, right? The problem arose when I was told how beautiful I was far more often than how smart, how strong, how hard working…

And that’s the problem with the emphasis on complimenting a little girl’s beauty

Between princesses and compliments, the little girls of our era grew up feeling that our worth is wholly wrapped up in how beautiful we are. If we aren’t seen as meek and helpless and beautiful, how can we ever find a handsome prince to sweep us off of our feet? And really, isn’t that all that is important in life? Of course not.

And let us not forget our sons, who also grew up thinking that the ideal woman is this unrealistic version of a timid princess. One who worships at the feet of her love, if only he take care of her financial needs. It’s a stigma and mentality damaging to both sexes.

Our generation of weak, beautiful, in love princesses are pushing back for our daughters. We want more out of them than just beautiful.

“Yes, you are beautiful,” We tell them. “You are also smart, kind, creative, and strong. I love the heart you have, caring for others. See how hard you work, how stubborn and tenacious you are? Beauty isn’t everything. Don’t you see, our amazing daughters? How you treat the world around you means more.”

From Pretty to Powerful: How Disney is Changing the Princess Paradigm for our children

My creative, tough, thoughtful, passionate, intelligent girl.

The inventors of the meek, beautiful, silent princess- Disney- finally heard our collective motherhood cry- “We want more for our children!”

You see, in the last few years, I’ve noticed a huge shift in the Princess model that our children are growing up with. Of course, these new princesses are still beautiful. That stigma will take much longer to break in our society. However, today’s princesses are so much more.  Let’s look at them:

  • The Princess and the Frog: Tiana isn’t looking for love- but she is dreaming. She works hard, cares about others, and fights for what she believes in. Her dreams are bigger than some prince- she is ambitious, intelligent, and won’t stop until her dreams come true.
  • Tangled: We are still dealing with “love” themes in this movie- but it doesn’t encompass the plot anymore. Rapunzel is fearless and determined. She learns to stand up for herself and her journey is about self discovery and in her self discovery, she finds love. Which is a lot more realistic. 
  • Brave: Merida is strong willed, determined, free-spirited and strong. She doesn’t even have a love interest! It’s about family, self-acceptance, and of course, bravery.
  • Frozen: Speaking of self discovery, Frozen is the movie that broke the princess mold. I could go on and on about all the empowerment themes in this movie, but perhaps that’s a post for another day.
  • The Live Action Beauty and the Beast: Moving past the Stokholm Syndrome thing- Belle and the Beast fall in love with the other’s personhood. It’s not about the amazing library. Or that she can break the spell cast over his castle. They fall in love in a real, intellectual basis. And let us not forget that Belle, not her father, is the inventor in this version!

Yet with all of this positive Princess paradigm PR Disney was spouting out, I still hesitated

From Pretty to Powerful- The model for princesses is changing, and our children are changing with it. It was still that princess mentality that didn’t sit well with me. I could play with dinosaurs and build blocks and color with my daughter until the cows came home, but it didn’t stop her from entering the “princess phase”. It wasn’t until we were watching Moana, that I realized that the negative mentality towards princesses that I inwardly carried was mine, not my daughters.

We were watching the part where Moana’s grandmother imparts her necklace to Moana, telling her to restore the heart of Te Fiti and save the island. Imp looked at me and said,

“She doesn’t look like a princess until she puts the necklace on. When she puts the necklace on, that’s when she looks like a princess.”

“Oh”, I responded cautiously. “What does a princess look like?”

“A Princess is someone who does good and saves the day. She puts on the necklace and saves the day, that’s why she looks like a princess.”

Out of the Mouths of Babes

A Princess is someone who does good and saves the day. That’s what today’s Disney has done for our daughters. (No wonder Hubs and I love going so much!) It’s shaken up our preconceived notions, and inspired our girls to do good and save the day. Now, as parents, caregivers, nannies, childcare providers, grandparents… we have help inspiring our daughters to build their own greatness. And who would have thought it came from Disney?

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What do you feel about Today’s Princess model vs. the ideal princesses we grew up with? Is it different from you to your daughter?
| Breastfeeding World | Princess Paradigm | Modern Princess | Breaking The Mold | Strong Women | Strong Girls |

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