Fitness & Health – Breastfeeding World Spreading the Breastfeeding Love, One Latch at a Time Wed, 17 Jun 2020 03:52:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fitness & Health – Breastfeeding World 32 32 96133341 My Faja and I: A Postpartum Wrapping Tradition Fri, 23 Mar 2018 11:27:39 +0000 Kristina

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Growing up Mexican, I am familiar with fajas.

I was introduced to this tool by Mom and my Tia-abuela (Great Aunt who I just call “Tia”).  Looking back I have vague memories of my Tia giving me advice on how to care for my body during menses. I remember telling me how to rub my panza (tummy), how important it is that I wear socks all year long “para que nada se salle” to keep. Heat in my body and a high uterus and telling me to use heat packs to return the heat to myself. I realize she was speaking to prevent prolapse and low lying cervix’s.

During pregnancy there was even more advice.

During pregnancy, there were more advice.

A frequent one that came up often was if I was going to “fajar me”, she would ask/ tell me “si te vas a fajar par que te livias bein, no?” (You are going to use the faja so you recover correctly, right?)

I would respond, “I don’t know,” and then I would ask if it really even works. What is the truth to it?

She couldn’t really tell me facts, only stories of all the women who she knew who did and didn’t, and what their results were–especially the ones who didn’t do it. She’s expand on how not doing it let the cold air stay and cause problems in their bodies.

I just figured this was an old wives tale and chose not to fajar myself.

After my son was born, I experienced the natural side effects of birth. I didn’t like what I was feeling, the feeling of my intestinal organs moving inside me because of the vast open space left after my baby exited my body–and how unsupported my body felt because my abdominal wall was so weak from being stretched so much! I completely regretted not listening to my Tia and mom. I was being the stubborn woman that Iam and chose not to admit that I was wrong.

I did make a promise to myself that after my future children were born, I would “Fajarme.”

During the pregnancy of my second child, my husband bought me a faja after asking my mom and Tia for advice.

After my daughter was born my aunt and mom gave me a tummy massage using pomado de árnica and wrapped my tummy.  I ate hot foods, drinks and made sure to keep my socks on. The difference was so noticeable! Like Whoa. I felt fully supported and I was standing tall. Good thing, since using a faja can help with posture.

I was sold. This amazing family tradition is definitely being passed down. And I am so happy to be the guardian and carrier of it.

Since learning this beautiful postpartum care technique, I have used it for myself with my 3rd and 4th children.

This 4th baby was an even more intimate session for me as I was by myself. I had a home birth, and my husband wrapped me. After a hot shower, hot tea and hot food, I gave myself a nice warm stomach massage that my Tia taught me. I used an essential oil recipe that my beautiful midwife (and friend back home in California) shared with me. Then, my husband wrapped me while our sweet baby slept near by.
It was so intimate and precious.

Want to know other self care techniques after birth? Read this.




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8 Home Remedies you need to ease nausea & flu symptoms quickly Mon, 05 Feb 2018 15:54:31 +0000 It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Jk. It’s cold, miserable, and everyone walks around in a permanent state of grumpy & frozen. But I’m talking about the worst part of this time of year.  I’m talking about nausea, vomiting, chills… you know, flu season. As a childcare provider, there are two times of year that I DREAD. Back […]

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Jk. It’s cold, miserable, and everyone walks around in a permanent state of grumpy & frozen. But I’m talking about the worst part of this time of year.  I’m talking about nausea, vomiting, chills… you know, flu season.

As a childcare provider, there are two times of year that I DREAD. Back to School, and the New Year, because it seems like my home is an endless germ fest of children parading in and out, and as much as you clean, there is no way to stop it.

The only comfort I give myself when my family is all out of commission due to nausea or vomiting, is that is that my kids are building super strong immune systems from growing up in a daycare environment.

So as I sit snuggling in bed with two sleeping and sickly kiddos, I thought I’d share my favorite hacks for beating nausea and vomiting

Some of these work great for morning sickness too!

  1. Activated Charcoal
  2. Essential Oils
  3. Pressure Points
  4. Elderberry Syrup
  5. Humidifier
  6. Ginger, Cinnamon, or Mint
  7. Take your Vitamins
  8. Probiotics, Kefir, and/or Sauerkraut
  9. BRAT diet

1. Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal is a type of charcoal that is processed to be more porous. It works by trapping toxins and chemicals in your intestinal system, and because it isn’t processed by the body, it carries those toxins straight out of your system through your bowels. (source) It’s recommended to take 2 every hour for adults. For my kiddos, I find it easiest to smuggle it into my kids by breaking open a capsule in a glass or purple grape juice. (There are some trains of thought that think grape juice helps with the nausea and vomiting associated with stomach bugs. It doesn’t, but it doesn’t mean those grapes aren’t good for you!) The activated charcoal doesn’t have a flavor, but the dark juice hides that “yucky” black color.

I SWEAR by this solution (hence why it’s number 1!) because of how effective I’ve found it to be in my own home, and I recommend it to all of my daycare families. Use it to cut sick time in half or prevent it when you’re exposed to others who are sick.

2. Essential Oils

The Hubs makes fun of me for my “witches brews” and essential oils obsession. It’s true. I love the way they smell, but more than that, I love that I can often treat my family’s ailments holistically and in a safe manner. Because I run a family childcare, I refrain from using Thieves around the kids, so I stick diffusing to KidSafe “Germ Destroyer” from Plant Therapy, but any Child safe anti-germ Blend will do.

Essential oils are one of the best (and proven!) ways to keep your family healthy and ease nausea and vomiting symptoms caused by stomach viruses, norovirus, or the flu. | Natural Home Remedies | Flu Season | Anti-Nausea tips | Essential Oils | Germ Destroyer | Ginger | Thieves | Diffuser blends for sickness | Anti-nausea essential oils | shorten a cold | shorten the flu | stomach virus remedies for kids | safe natural ways to get over the flu | Breastfeeding World |

Using Essential Oils Safely recommends diffusing or applying the following oils for nausea and vomiting:

(These can also help with heartburn & Indigestion)
Diffusing or properly diluting and rubbing on the tummy the following oils may help.
These oils can also be used in a personal aromatherapy inhaler.
* Ginger
* Spearmint
* Citrus oils (Please check for proper topical max and phototoxicity if using topically.)
* Peppermint (Not safe for children under 6.)
* For indigestion you can also try consuming a spoonful or apple cider vinegar or papaya enzyme.

3. Pressure Points

“Acupressure is an ancient healing art that’s based on the traditional Chinese medicine practice of acupuncture. With acupressure, pressure is applied to specific places on your body. These places are called acupoints. Pressing these points can help release muscle tension and promote blood circulation. Research suggests that it can also relieve many common side effects of chemotherapy.” (Source, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

You can do acupressure yourself by using your fingers to apply pressure various points. Check out this video to help find the points to help reduce your child’s nausea or vomiting.

4. Elderberry Syrup

Because of it’s terrific benefits for building a healthy immune system and helping ward off bugs, Elderberry is a lot easier to find at the local drug store, but you can also make it yourself. I love this recipe from Faith at the Little Herbal:

Elderberry syrup is a time-tested go to for getting over any sort of sickness. It's antiviral and benefical properties can't be beaten. For other great tips for helping your family get over the stomach bug, READ THIS pin. | Elderberry syrup | Elderberry Syrup Recipes | Natural Tips for fighting the flu | Flu Remedies | Anti Nausea tips | Family Friendly Stomach Virus Tips | Breastfeeding World | Lauren Lewis |

Elderberries are basically virus zapping magic. Ok, that’s nnot ture. But, even better, its scientifically proven to help prevent and shorten Influenza and viruses.

Based on this randomized control trial, the results said:

Elderberry has been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat influenza, colds and sinusitis, and has been reported to have antiviral activity against influenza and herpes simplex. We investigated the efficacy and safety of oral elderberry syrup for treating influenza A and B infections. Sixty patients (aged 18-54 years) suffering from influenza-like symptoms for 48 h or less were enrolled in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study during the influenza season of 1999-2000 in Norway. Patients received 15 ml of elderberry or placebo syrup four times a day for 5 days, and recorded their symptoms using a visual analogue scale. Symptoms were relieved on average 4 days earlier and use of rescue medication was significantly less in those receiving elderberry extract compared with placebo. Elderberry extract seems to offer an efficient, safe and cost-effective treatment for influenza. These findings need to be confirmed in a larger study.

So go buy yourself some gummies, or whip your family up some elderberry syrup a la Hershel from the Walking Dead, but no matter what, you can’t argue that Eldberberries are an imperative stable during this awful stomach bug and flu season.

5. Run a Humidifier

If you or your kiddos are having troubles with nausea and vomiting, or particularly if you are fighting cold and sinus issues, chances are you’re fighting off dehydration, too. Help your body out by making sure there’s plenty of humidity in the air, particularly in the dry winter months. The Mayo Clinic recommends keeping your home at a humidity between 30%-50%. It may not help you overcome the viruses floating around, but it will hep your body’s overall comfort level.

6. Ginger, Cinnamon, and Mint

YEEEEARRS ago, Hubs (then fiance), and I worked waiting tables on a cruise ship in Hawaii (pretty amazing, right?). I get serious motion sickness, so I learned fairly quickly tips and tricks to keep the Nausea at bay. Ginger begged off the sushi chef, bitters and ginger ale (make sure it’s the brand made with real ginger) from the bartender, and peppermint tea with a little honey for shift’s end. I kept a packet of big red cinnamon gum in my apron for the nights we went into open sea, and I was made in the shade.

Want to make a tummy bug triple whammy? Make some homemade popsicles for your kids with chamomile tea, grape juice, and activated charcoal.
Click To Tweet

Fast forward 5 years to early pregnancy, and my tried and true nausea and vomiting tricks came in handy, and I still use those go to’s for when my kids start to complain about tummy troubles. While they may not be a cure, they’re an excellent holistic treatment to make flue season a little easier. I adore Tazo Zen Green tea with lemongrass and spearmint, and it’s light enough my kids will drink it too. Want to make a tummy bug triple whammy? Make some homemade popsicles for your kids with chamomile tea, grape juice, and activated charcoal.

7. Take your Vitamins

Around this time of year, it’s best to just make chugging vitamins a habit. I’d love to preach and say healthy eating and a balanced diet, but let’s get real, I ate a Christmas cookie for breakfast. So at the minimum, keep your medicine cabinet stocked with Emergen-C. (Again, another Cruise Ship hack to keep me on my feet for 10 hours surrounded by vacationers possible carrying GI, or as we called it, Code Brown.) airborne works well too, but as a WAHM caring for 7 kids at a time, I like the boost from the extra C and B vitamins. Can’t run to the store? Take your pre-natals. If you’re breastfeeding, chances are you should be taking them anyway.

Because let's get real, moms don't get sick days, so we need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves and staying healthy.
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8. Probiotics

Probiotics are bacteria that line your digestive tract and support your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection. There are actually 10 times more probiotics in your gut than cells in your body! (source)

Right now, your gut (or your child’s) is a disaster. The best thing your can do for it is to help restore the healthy bacteria in your gut. Introducing probiotics, keifer , and sauerkraut to your diet will go a looooong way in that. But probiotics aren’t just good for recovering from a nasuea and vomiting inducing bug, or restoring healthy gut fauna after a round of antibiotics. Probiotics are an important part of a healthy digestive system (after all, 80% of your immune system resides in your gut). So focusing on a healthy gut for you and your child is one of the best things you can do for your immune system.

9. The Brat Diet

Good luck Mama, caring for a sick family is HARD!

Remember, even when if you or your child is struggling with nausea and vomiting, the immunities and gut healing properties in your breastmilk are the absolute best thing you can do for babe. Breastfeeding while sick is it’s own battle. Remember,  you are a warrior. Sending your love and healthy thoughts.



Lauren and the Breastfeeding World Team.


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4 Ways to Conquer your Family Budget for your Second Baby Fri, 27 Jan 2017 13:00:19 +0000 Babies are so wonderful, aren’t they? They are cute, cuddly, and look at the world with those wide eyes of wonder. They are happy to just play with their feet and sleep in your arms all day…. Then, soon enough, they turn into toddlers. Also cute. But so much more expensive! Before having my first daughter, I really didn’t think […]

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Babies are so wonderful, aren’t they?

They are cute, cuddly, and look at the world with those wide eyes of wonder. They are happy to just play with their feet and sleep in your arms all day….

4 Ways to Conquer your Family Budget for your Second Baby

Then, soon enough, they turn into toddlers. Also cute. But so much more expensive! Before having my first daughter, I really didn’t think about how much parents can spend on their toddlers.

4 Ways to Conquer your Family Budget for your Second Baby

This time, my husband and I are preparing our family budget for those extra costs. We are budgeting for costs such as private preschool, toddler shoes (so many shoes!!), toddler furniture (slides, bookcases, swing sets!), and extra activities (you know, swim lessons, dance classes, museum memberships..etc). Knowing the expenses ahead, and cutting back on your family budget, will definitely help us financially for both our daughters’ futures. So, here are a few of things we have decided as a family to cut back on in 2017, in order to afford the same lifestyle for both our girls.

  1. No more gym memberships.

    Those monthly charges for a gym in your family budget add up. Not to mention, gyms charge you even when you’re on vacation, and they lock you in for a long commitment. These days, there are so many workouts on Youtube that you can do for free from your home. I’ve started doing yoga classes daily from Youtube while my daughter naps, and I love it. My husband has decided on running for his free source of exercise. We found a track right by our house that he loves. We are now noticing the extra cash in our family budget- and feeling just as healthy as when we paid for gym memberships!

  2. One vehicle between the two of us.

    I realize this family budget tip may not work for everyone, as many couples have jobs that require both people to work outside the home. But for our family, this has really helped us save. We have one family car that we share. My hours are flexible as a realtor, so I’m able to plan my days around my husband’s normal 9-5 work day. He drops our daughter at school in the morning on his way to the office and I walk to pick her up with the stroller in the afternoon (more free exercise!).

  3. Booking vacations with airline miles, not dollars

    We decided this year that we would only do a family vacation if we had enough miles for all three of us to fly for free. Only paying the taxes on flights to Jamaica has saved our family budget a bundle! My husband gets most of his mileage through work trips, but you can also gain miles by simply signing up for a credit card with Delta (you don’t need to use it, just sign up!), and also, many grocery stores participate in mileage programs. The more you shop, the more miles you gain.

  4. Downsizing our house.

    This was the biggest game changer when it came to our finances. When we were planning our second pregnancy six months ago, we decided that we would move from our 4 bedroom house to a 3 bedroom house. We cut our monthly mortgage in half by doing this. We decided that our daughters will share a bedroom when they are ready, and we will use the third bedroom as our home office. We thought a lot about this and decided there are so many benefits to our girls sharing a room. For example, they will be used to it when we go on vacation and they have to share. They’ll get used to hearing each other cry, be encouraged to share toys, and hopefully become best friends, in time.4 Ways to Conquer your Family Budget for your Second Baby

I hope you enjoyed reading my budgeting tips! I’m interested to hear what other families are doing to make ends meet while still living the lifestyle you desire. What are your 2017 family goals?

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My New Year’s Mama Resolutions Tue, 27 Dec 2016 15:34:06 +0000 As this year is coming to a close, I’m getting closer to being the mother of a 2-year old. I also have a new baby at home with us- that means I have given a lot of thought on how I want to “mom” this time around. But not only that, I just want to be a better mother to my sons […]

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As this year is coming to a close, I’m getting closer to being the mother of a 2-year old. I also have a new baby at home with us- that means I have given a lot of thought on how I want to “mom” this time around. But not only that, I just want to be a better mother to my sons as well.

So, I’ve compiled a list of resolutions that I’m taking into the new year…and they’re all about my mothering skills. Hey, it’s been rough with a new baby at home and a toddler who likes to scream at me! After I’ve laid down to bed at night, I have time to go over my day in my head and decide if that’s how it should’ve gone.

This also means, you get a sneak peek into my life as mom. Oh boy.

My New Year’s, Mom Resolutions

1. I’m going to be more patient.

I’m not going to throw the book after my son hands it to me to read to him for the 7th time in a row. I should be grateful that he wants to spend time with me. We get cuddles and it’s a wonderful way for me to teach him that isn’t forced. He wants to learn!

resolutions, new years resolutions, new year, 2017, motherhood, mom resolutions, new year mom


2. I’ll let the dishes wait.

I feel like I talk about the dishes- a lot. Well, we go through a lot of them in my house. I need to learn to not be so crazy about cleaning them. Yes, they need to be washed…but my children are more important! If anyone comes over, and my house is a mess, they should understand. If not… Toodles!

3. I’ll take them out more.

This resolution terrifies me. The other day I left the house with both of them by myself, for the first time. I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. Every few minutes I braced myself, waiting for the moment to strike when my son leaps out of the cart, screaming. After which  people would stare and judge me, while thinking about “what horrible mother” I am. It never happened. But he did get upset, my daughter had to nurse, it was naptime, and I was hungry. I survived. I think next time we go out,  I’ll take them to the park, or go on a long walk. I don’t think we’re quite ready to tackle actual responsibilities like grocery shopping.

4. I’ll stop being anxious.

This isn’t necessarily a resolution for mothering- but more for myself. I want to keep my sanity, to be a better mother. For example, going back to what I talked about in number 3; It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of me when I am out with my kids. If they really think I’m a horrible mom, then that’s fine. You should see how amazing I am at 7am when I’d been up all night and still haven’t had my coffee! We all have our moments and I just need to learn to be okay with that!

5. I will take more time for myself.

This is a big one. I workout all the time…ALL the time. When I had my first, that changed for awhile, until I figured out a way to workout with him. After that, all became right in my world again, fitness wise. But since having my daughter, it’s been SO hard to work out at much as I normally would. The thing is- for a few weeks, I have let myself be okay with sitting around and not doing much. Fitness is a passion of mine and it makes me very happy. It keeps me SANE. There are things we can do as mothers which help us be better mothers.

Sometimes that thing is as simple as taking an hour to go to the gym. Or instead, hang out in the garage and get in a lift session. For me, it’s so therapeutic- and if I am having a bad day, it will help me blow off some steam. In turn, I am a much calmer parent and much more patient with my kids.

Come on, I am not the only one that needs to be more calm!

These are my five main motherhood resolutions which will help me and my children have a smoother transition into the new year!  Are there any parenting new year’s resolutions that you can come up with?





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Post Baby Fitness: Begin with Love Sat, 06 Feb 2016 15:13:18 +0000 Hello, February!  This is the time of year when life has slowed down a bit (hopefully) after the holiday buzz and New Year intentions or resolutions. Did you set any fitness goals for health and wellness this year?  It can be challenging to figure out just where to begin, especially when you’re ready to get back to your workout routine […]

The post Post Baby Fitness: Begin with Love appeared first on Breastfeeding World.

Hello, February!  This is the time of year when life has slowed down a bit (hopefully) after the holiday buzz and New Year intentions or resolutions. Did you set any fitness goals for health and wellness this year?  It can be challenging to figure out just where to begin, especially when you’re ready to get back to your workout routine after baby is born. Movement, no matter what type, is beneficial for your physical and emotional health.  Start slowly, and you’ll soon be moving, grooving and feeling great.

A common theme in all of my posts is Love, Gratitude and Respect for your body.  When it comes to working out after baby is born, focus on gaining strength and reawakening energy, instead of losing inches.  I’d like for you to let go of the idea of “bouncing back” to your pre-baby shape.  I don’t know of any woman who’s body is the same as it was before baby. *guess what* It’s not supposed to be!  You’ve transformed in the most beautiful way.  The idea that our bodies are supposed to be the same after we’ve been through the most life changing experience is not realistic.  So, beautiful momma, be kind to yourself and lets find more love, acceptance and gratitude for our bodies and what they’ve created!

Let go of the idea of “bouncing back” to your pre-baby shape!

As you get back to boosting your energy and mood, consider incorporating cardio and strength training.  Cardiovascular exercise is not just great for your heart, it increases your metabolism, and provides that boost of exercise induced endorphins.  These “feel good” hormones can help combat symptoms of depression which are very common after birth.  Strength training helps support your body as baby grows and becomes heavy to carry around all… day… long… It can also improve your balance and coordination.  You’ll be grateful for this as you discover the juggling act that is motherhood.

The intention and goal behind our workouts in this new season of our lives is Love.  So, first and foremost, explore what fitness programs or types of exercise you actually enjoy! <– Hello!  You should look forward to working out, not dread it. You CAN love your workout, I promise.

Here are a few of my Post-Baby Fitness tips to discover this love of fitness and overall wellness…

Biking with Helen

  • Grab a buddy. This is a key ingredient in staying committed to any sort of regularity with your fitness and wellness goals.  Coordinating your workout with your fitness buddy holds you both accountable.  Plus, catching up with your bud always makes life better.  Maybe you and your friend schedule a day every week or every other week to cook together or share a new healthy recipe.  Having this person to check in with on a regular basis will dramatically increase your chances for success.  We’re in this together!
  • Love your body, love your workout.  Here’s a thought, may I suggest you don’t run if you absolutely dread it.  Don’t force yourself to take that spin class if the thought of climbing on that bike stresses you out.  If you feel you need a little more happiness in your fitness routine, do not return to that instructor’s class who screams “encouragement” while putting your body down in a backhanded way.  You deserve way better than that, gorgeous.  Test out different classes, gyms, indoor/outdoor programs, mom’s fitness clubs, online programs.  There are plenty of options, find what works for you and you’ll look forward to working out!
  • Walk it out. Simple.  It’s lovely to get outdoors and take baby for a walk in the stroller.  If you live up north, like me, it’s chilly or downright freezing right now.  You may still be able to do this if the temps haven’t dropped too much.  Bundle baby up in that cute knit hat you got as a shower gift and cozy up with a snuggly blanket, maybe throw on your YakTrax. (Northerners, these treads that attach to your shoes or boots are a must for outdoor workouts in the winter, or just safely walking on snow and ice.)  One of my favorite ways to walk with baby when it gets cooler outside is to wear them.  Whether you use a wrap like the Moby or a carrier like the Ergo (with newborn insert,)  Call your girlfriend, get outdoors and walk.  Breathing in fresh air does WONDERS for a new mom.

Babywearing Wes

  • Schedule it in.  We book everything else in our lives, do you incorporate fitness into your weekly planner?  If you make that date with your fitness buddy (or yourself,) you’re more likely to stay on track.  Make this a priority as much as those doctor appointments, business meetings, play dates, and pedicures.  You can do it!
  • Register for a race.  There are races of all levels of difficulty.  From a 5K run/walk, 10 or 30 mile bike race or a swim event in your area, you can certainly find a fun and healthy challenge.  When you register for a race, you’ve committed in a different way towards your post baby fitness goal.  That race date on the calendar, plus the added registration fee both hold you accountable, along with your fitness buddy.  So, sign up!  I can guarantee you will not regret crossing that finish line!
  • Power to the sticky note.  Instead of hanging a picture of a celebrity in a bikini (photoshopped) or a picture of yourself from college or your wedding day, how about writing something inspirational on a sticky note that you’ll see each day.  A little note that says, “I am strong.”  “I am beautiful.” or the date of the race you’ve registered for.  Keep your head in a positive, healthy, inspiring place, versus the critical and hurtful commentary that too often plays.  We each do it, but we can change these patterns within ourselves.  Remember, begin with love.  And write it on a sticky note. *wink*


Still nursing?  Check out my tips for Postpartum Exercise and Breastfeeding here.

Nursing after working out

I hope you soon find a balance that works for you.  Remember to begin slowly and cut yourself some slack when you need extra rest, a day (or week) off.  With regular commitment, you’ll begin feeling your energy returning and mood boosting.  Starting is the hardest part, so keep moving, mommas.  You’re on the right track!

We would love to hear about your fitness goals for this year! Please comment below to stay accountable!

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

And… Don’t forget to share your brelfies using our HT #BreastfeedingWorld 








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Post Thanksgiving Feast Health Tips Fri, 04 Dec 2015 14:28:28 +0000 Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday. Family, friends, food. Fabulous. This year is our baby girl’s first Thanksgiving, so we are very excited to start some traditions with her. As she grows up, we can teach her family recipes, how to say Grace, and to say what she is thankful for. These are just a few of the traditions I […]

The post Post Thanksgiving Feast Health Tips appeared first on Breastfeeding World.

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday. Family, friends, food. Fabulous. This year is our baby girl’s first Thanksgiving, so we are very excited to start some traditions with her. As she grows up, we can teach her family recipes, how to say Grace, and to say what she is thankful for. These are just a few of the traditions I grew up with that I would like to pass on. However, I would also like us to make some brand new traditions that are more focused on our health.

With all the delicious dishes that we share together comes some not so great things too. I’m talking about extra calories, food comas, and even hangovers if your family celebrates with lots of wine like mine does! These three things are not so fabulous.

So, I am bringing to you a few Thanksgiving feast health tips you may want to do with your family this weekend to avoid the above three health enemies.

  1. Start each day with a tall glass of lemon water. This small step makes all the difference. A 16 ounce glass of water with half a fresh lemon squeezed in each morning will help boost your metabolism and flush out any toxins from your system. This is great before and after drinking alcohol. Of course, it’s good to continue drinking water throughout the day, too. When drinking alcohol or soda at parties and holiday events where drinks are in abundance, many nutritionists recommend rotating water in between each alcoholic and/or sugary drink. This way you know you are keeping your body hydrated.
  2. Lemon-Water-Benefits
  3. Get outside for a long walk with friends and family. It may be brisk outside, but bundle up and take a minimum 20 – 30 minute walk each day after your main meal. If you have your baby or your pet dog with you, even better! Walking not only burns calories, but aids with digestion as well which will help get rid of that “food coma” feeling.                                        family_walking_in_woods
  4. Skip the Desserts (when possible). On Thanksgiving itself, of course treat yourself. It’s a time for celebrating with pumpkin pie and ice cream. However, try to avoid seconds and leftovers when it comes to desserts the rest of the week. I used to always be tempted to wake up the morning after Thanksgiving and have leftover pie for breakfast. This is not a healthy choice, obviously! Not only are these desserts full of extra calories, but having them before bedtime can make it very difficult to fall asleep. If you’re feeling restless in bed on Thanksgiving night, it could be due to those sugary desserts, so definitely think twice about over indulging!                                                                                                                                   NoPie
Hope everyone stays happy and healthy this holiday season! Lots of love, Emily and Baby Hannah xoxo
Can't wait to fill her belly up on her first Thanksgiving! Gobble gobble gobble!

Can’t wait to fill her belly up on her first Thanksgiving! Gobble gobble gobble!

**Thanks to and for the photos on this post.**

Do you have any other healthy tips you’d like to share with us? Drop us a comment below! We would love to hear from you! 

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

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Mommy and Me Fitness at Gymboree Sun, 08 Nov 2015 01:16:19 +0000 My daughter, Hannah, and I started going to our local Gymboree when she was three months old. Having just moved to a new city, I thought it would be a great way to meet other moms. The first three months in Level 1 Play & Learn class turned out to be one of the best things I could have done. […]

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My daughter, Hannah, and I started going to our local Gymboree when she was three months old. Having just moved to a new city, I thought it would be a great way to meet other moms. The first three months in Level 1 Play & Learn class turned out to be one of the best things I could have done. Not only did I make friends with other moms, Hannah became very social and attentive. She learned to listen to her teacher and follow along as we sang songs. She practised her tummy time and gained great head and neck control as a result, too. Doing tummy time with her buddies made it a lot more fun for her and by the end of the 45 minute class, she was pooped! She would take a long nap after each class!

Once Hannah learned to sit up, we moved up to Level 2 Play & LearnNow, the real fun has begun! Not only does Hannah get her exercise, but I do as well. Going to Gymboree saves me going to my own gym that day because we do quite a bit of cardio and lifting throughout the 45 minute class. Below I’ve outlined a few of the moves and games we do each class, so you can see what I mean!

  1. Airplane Rides:
    Photo courtesy of

    Photo courtesy of

    Place baby on your shins while holding your baby either by their waist, armpits, or hands depending on their stability. Then, gently move your legs up and down and side to side while keeping your abdominal muscles tight. This is an ab workout for you and baby at the same time!

  2. Freeze Dance:
    Photo courtesy of

    Photo courtesy of

    This is a great activity for mom, baby, and older siblings. We dance around to music and freeze when the music pauses. It may seem silly dancing around on your own, but when you have a class full of other moms, dads, nannies, and babies there with you, it’s a lot more fun!

  3. Baby Soccer Time:
    Photo courtesy of

    Photo courtesy of

    Baby Soccer Time has got to be one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. Parents hold their baby by the armpits and swing baby back and forth to kick the beach balls. It’s a nice arm workout and the babies love learning to kick!

To finish off the class, everyone scoops up their baby and forms a “Gymbo-Train”. We march around the circle and say good-bye with three big “Hip-hip hoorays!” and lift our babies up high to the center of the circle all together. To find out where your local Gymboree is, simply click here!

She is one happy baby after a day at Gymboree with Mommy!

Hannah sure is one happy baby after a day at Gymboree with Mommy!

We love to hear from you! What is your favorite activity with your little one?

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

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Self Care: New mommy stretches Mon, 02 Nov 2015 15:37:15 +0000 Snuggles, kisses, gazing, nursing, wonderment.  Almost all of these actions are done while holding your new bundle of love.  I remember staring, staring and staring some more at my sweet baby boy when he was born.  I was a first time mom and I was so in awe that he was in my arms, AND that my body made this […]

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Snuggles, kisses, gazing, nursing, wonderment.  Almost all of these actions are done while holding your new bundle of love.  I remember staring, staring and staring some more at my sweet baby boy when he was born.  I was a first time mom and I was so in awe that he was in my arms, AND that my body made this magnificent human.


All of that love directed at your little baby is incredible, important and instrumental in their development, not to mention your emotional health.  It is also straining and taxing on your neck, arms, shoulders and back.  Whew!  I did not realize how strained my neck and upper back would be from holding, nursing and staring at my baby –> all day <–   I couldn’t take my eyes off my son as he nursed in those first few weeks.  I couldn’t believe we were doing it, we were breastfeeding and it was beautiful.

What saved my overworked muscles was my favorite self care tip. Yoga

It only takes a few minutes of your time to mindfully stretch, breathe and relieve a bit of stress physically and emotionally as you care for your newborn 24/7.  Or maybe it’s only been 24/3 for you 😉  Welcome to motherhood!!  Let’s stretch!

One of the biggest tips I share with all of my students, pregnant or not, is the importance of maintaining good posture.  As we become fatigued, it is very easy to slouch and round forward in the spine.  This puts added strain on our bodies, primarily the neck and back.  I don’t know of a new mom that isn’t elated, but also fatigued.

I recommend all mommies begin to notice their posture.  It’s ok, you’re not going to have fantastic posture all the time. I’d often recognize my rounded shoulders and give myself the gentle reminder to sit a little taller and bring my shoulders back.

So, initially, one of the best tips I can share with you is that you develop good posture.  It will save your neck and back.  As baby grows and gains weight, you’ll develop the proper strength to hold your chunky monkey as well.

As you work on your posture, try these mommy stretches, you’ll be glad you did…

Mommy Stretches: Neck release

Neck stretch

  • Sit tall, whether cross legged on the floor, or sitting in a chair.
  • Drop your right ear towards your right shoulder.  Bring your right hand to the head to deepen the stretch. Close your eyes and take a few breaths.
  • For a variation, angle your chin towards your chest, keeping your hand on your head, deepening the stretch.
  • Hold for a few slow and steady breaths.
  • Release, then repeat on the other side.
  • Drop chin towards your chest and let your head hang heavy.  Remain aware of your posture in the mid and lower spine.
  • As your head drops forward, let it sway slowly side to side.  This can be a very small movement depending on where you have tension in the neck.
  • Move very mindfully through these neck stretches.  Breathe with intention.

Mommy Stretches: Forward fold with shoulder stretch



  • Stand with your feet at hip distance.
  • Interlace your fingers behind your back.  If this is not comfortable in the shoulders, you can grasp a towel between your hands.
  • With a slight bend in your knees, hinge forward at the hips, letting your upper body move into a forward fold stretch.
  • Your arms can float up and away from the low back if this is comfortable in shoulders.
  • Hold this stretch for as long as you’d like.  5 steady breaths is a good foundation.
  • When ready, release the hands and slowly bring your body up to standing.
  • This is a lovely stretch to release your pectoral muscles and shoulders that become tired from holding baby cakes nonstop 🙂

Mommy Stretches: Child’s Pose



  • Begin in a table top pose / hands and knees on the ground.
  • You may choose to place a blanket under you knees for extra padding and comfort.
  • Open your knees so that they are wider than your hips
  • Bring your toes to touch behind you, then carefully sink you hips back to your heels.
  • Walk your hands forward and allow your head to either rest on the floor, or stack your palms or fists and let your forehead relax onto your hands.  Basically, you should have your forehead resting on some support. This allows your neck to stretch and release.
  • Close your eyes and take 5 or more deep breaths.  See if you can breathe into the low back and back of the rib cage.
  • This was one of my favorite stretches post baby.  It relieved strain in my low back and felt wonderful in my body.  I hope you enjoy it as well.
  • Do this while baby is laying on a blanket in front of you.  It’s super sweet.
  • * If child’s pose bothers your knees or hips, please do not take this stretch.  No need to add any unwanted pressure to these joints. *

You will quickly discover how amazing yet demanding motherhood is.  I encourage you to remember to take care of you, beautiful mommy.  You’re going to “give” a whole lot.  Make sure you also receive some yummy self care practices.  Don’t forget to book a massage and keep up with your chiropractic appointments.  All of these therapies were a key part of my postpartum life.

Sending you love, peace and relaxation.  You’re amazing!

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

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Holistic Treatment for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Tue, 20 Oct 2015 22:00:57 +0000 What happens when Postpartum Depression and Anxiety are taking over your life, but you aren’t comfortable taking medication while breastfeeding? This is a question I was forced to ask myself recently in the aftermath of a year of secluding myself, being afraid to leave the house, and having terrible mood swings, which usually left my fiance and I feeling broken […]

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What happens when Postpartum Depression and Anxiety are taking over your life, but you aren’t comfortable taking medication while breastfeeding? This is a question I was forced to ask myself recently in the aftermath of a year of secluding myself, being afraid to leave the house, and having terrible mood swings, which usually left my fiance and I feeling broken and embittered toward one another after a big fight. Thankfully we have gotten to a much better place with time, hard work, and dedication to one another, but most of my other relationships with family and friends have not fared quite as well. 

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Image courtesy of

I did not know until starting therapy a few months ago, that I also have P.T.S.D. and Bipolar Disorder, which acted as a stimulant of sorts for my Postpartum Depression and Anxiety. I have had to find alternative ways to rewire my brain because I know I need to get better, but I don’t want my daughter getting medication through my breastmilk. There are antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications that are deemed safe while breastfeeding*, but it is a personal choice for me. Ultimately what I have found to work is doing yoga, going to therapy, writing, and painting. I think it is a great mixture because it covers all of the bases mentally, spiritually, and physically. Writing and painting happen to be something that fulfill me and make me happy; If you are seeking similar treatment but don’t enjoy either of these things, that is ok! Making time for anything that brings you joy will suffice. The point is to quiet your mind and feel like yourself again.

I started painting in high school, but stopped when I got pregnant because of the chemicals involved. Finally when I reached 12 months postpartum, I felt seriously inspired to start painting again and I decided to try watercolor instead of my usual acrylic oils, because it is less dangerous to use around my baby. I have been painting again for a few months and it has amazingly turned into a way for me to work from home, while also fulfilling my need to create.

breastfeeding world, mermamame, lissa james, postpartum anxiety and depression

One of my Mermaids in progress. You can find more on instagram @mermamame

Around the time I started painting again, I began going to therapy as well. It took 3 months to finally go to an appointment without my daughter, but I am slowly gaining more courage and realizing that the sessions are more productive when I’m not distracted by my active toddler. Finally being able to leave home for an hour without her is proof of the progress I have made and it has been a good reminder for me that she will be ok even if I am not around. She has a great time with her dad and usually doesn’t even notice that I am gone! Talk about a reality-check.

Yoga is my latest endeavour and I can say that it is the perfect treatment for anxiety and depression! The practice, with ancient roots in India, aims to quiet the mind, and build strength both mentally, physically, and spiritually. Finding balance and peace from within, breathing out toxins and stress, it relaxes and restores the mind, making healing possible. I have gone four times so far and already I feel stronger. Whenever I start feeling sad or angry, I know it’s time to grab my mat and hit the studio. The practice of yoga itself helps to calm my fears and feel strength from within, easing the anxiety of being away from my daughter.

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Image courtesy of

When we exercise it releases feel good endorphins that help to correct the chemical imbalance that causes depression. Yoga is especially helpful for depression and anxiety because of the focus on deep breathing, clearing the mind, reaching within, and strengthening the body and mind. Yoga also builds important core strength and restores balance, which is especially important after having a baby because of the changes our bodies have gone through.

I am very fortunate that I have been able to see improvements with natural treatment, although I know it will be a long road. I still have setbacks and bad days, but knowing that what I am dealing with is a true mental illness makes it easier to understand and cope with. I am smiling more, loving harder, and feeling more hope than I have in a long time.

breastfeeding world, postpartum anxiety and depression, natural healing, healing

My family on a recent outing to the Pumpkin Patch!

Whatever course of alternative treatment you choose, try to be aware of whether or not you see improvements after a couple of months. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all for motherhood, and the same certainly applies to Postpartum Depression and Anxiety. For some people, alternative treatment will not be enough, but can aid greatly in healing when paired with medication.  Know your limits, and know that you are not alone. 

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Image courtesy of


There is hope for us all and we will see the light again. Know your limits, reach within and begin to heal. You are not alone; we are in this together.

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

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*To inquire on whether a medication is safe while breastfeeding, please speak to your doctor, pharmacist, or  read here for more information. If you are having thoughts of hurting yourself or your child, please seek help immediately as you may be suffering from a more serious form of PPD known as Postpartum Psychosis.

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Postpartum Exercise and Breastfeeding Sat, 17 Oct 2015 01:45:54 +0000 Baby is here, Congratulations!  You and your sweet babe are cruising along breastfeeding, another Congratulations!  You’ve waited the suggested 4-6 weeks from your doctor or midwife and you feel ready to ease back into exercising  again, Congratulations!  Let’s begin, superstar… What I’d like you to remember, first and foremost, is that you grew a baby, birthed a baby and are […]

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Postpartum-exercise-breastfeedingBaby is here, Congratulations!  You and your sweet babe are cruising along breastfeeding, another Congratulations!  You’ve waited the suggested 4-6 weeks from your doctor or midwife and you feel ready to ease back into exercising  again, Congratulations!  Let’s begin, superstar…

What I’d like you to remember, first and foremost, is that you grew a baby, birthed a baby and are now feeding baby with your body.  Whoa, momma, that’s AMAZING stuff!  Totally, flippin’ amazing.  Please value your phenomenal body and the work it has done for the past year…  Be kind to yourself.  I think that’s worth repeating.  Be Kind To Yourself.  (*hugs from me*)

You might have heard through the grapevine that exercising can diminish your milk supply.  There are not enough studies to prove that milk supply actually drops during regular or strenuous exercise.  I recommend mom’s ease back into their exercise routine with confidence and awareness.  You  might not notice a decline in your supply at all.  In fact, some women have reported an increase in supply.  Every body is different.  There are more reasons to exercise than to abstain from it.

Exercise reduces stress levels and boosts endorphins that can combat symptoms of depression.  It is good for your digestive and cardiovascular systems, bone density and brain health.  Exercise improves your overall mood, enhancing your connection to baby.  There are so many reasons to get your blood flowing and lungs pumping!

In the beginning you’ll start out very gently with walking, yoga, an easy run or modified fitness class at the gym.  Listen to your body.  Just as you did in pregnancy and birth, your body will tell you when you’ve done too much.   If you notice spotting or cramping, it would be best to let your body continue to heal for a few more weeks.  Your joints are also still susceptible to injury since the hormone relaxin is flowing through your body up to 6 months after birth.  Honor your body and give yourself time to get back on track.

If you notice when you return after working out, baby doesn’t prefer the taste of your sweat and isn’t keen to latch, try rinsing off with a washcloth.  I must say, I’ve nursed my baby after running races and teaching hot power yoga and both kiddos have latched with no problem.  I always think how weird that must be for them to taste the sweat on my body, but as long as they’re nursing, they do not care in the least!


Maybe you’ve already eased back into working out and you’re ready to take it to the next level.  Go for it!  You’ll never know how your body will react until you try.  I trained for and ran my first half marathon while nursing my son.  I ran the race when he was 8 months, our breastfeeding relationship was still very active.  *Side note* tape your breastpads in so they don’t move around during a race!  I may have leaked a little by the end of the race, hahaha!


Since I was a new mom and had not breastfed before, I was a slightly concerned about my supply. In the end, we had no issues.  I made sure to increase my water intake.  I also had lots of healthy snacks on hand to fuel my body.  Those suggestions seem pretty simple and straight forward, but when it comes down to it, isn’t that one of your best ways to live a healthy lifestyle?  Lots of water, whole foods and exercise, the perfect trio!

To make things a little easier, here are some simple tips to remember

Postpartum Exercise and Breastfeeding Checklist:


  • Nurse baby before working out
  • Hydrate
  • Wear a supportive sports bra. (My favorite?  Lululemon’s Ta-ta Tamer!)
  • Have fun!  You should enjoy your workout, do something that makes you happy 🙂
  • Hydrate again
  • Eat well
  • Enjoy those exercise induced endorphins and nurse that baby again.

So, beautiful mommy, get back to working out.  Don’t fret about possible challenges until you actually face them.  You and baby might continue your breastfeeding relationship without any bumps in the road!  Since running my first half marathon while nursing my son, I was able to do that again with my daughter when she was around the same age.  We’re still nursing strong at 21 months.  I’m grateful for what my body can do and continue to be amazed at each new challenge met.

Starting is the hardest part.  You’ve got this!

We would love to hear from you! What has been your experience with Postpartum Exercise and Breastfeeding?

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

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Post Pregnancy Fitness: Preparing for Life with Baby Sat, 10 Oct 2015 18:54:46 +0000   Before I get into my post about fitness this week, I want to wish everyone a Happy International Babywearing Week (October 4th – 10th)! I love this babywearing selfie I took of Hannah and me when she was just a couple weeks old. She just loved to be carried around when she was tiny. It was when she took […]

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Before I get into my post about fitness this week, I want to wish everyone a Happy International Babywearing Week (October 4th – 10th)! I love this babywearing selfie I took of Hannah and me when she was just a couple weeks old. She just loved to be carried around when she was tiny. It was when she took her best naps!



Anyway, I must apologize for missing a week of blogging; we were in Boston on a family trip and then had some technical difficulties and well, Baby Hannah and I are back now!

So, this week I am writing about:

Post Pregnancy Fitness I wish I had done to prepare for being a Mom….

Throughout my pregnancy, I maintained what I thought would be a very healthy fitness routine to prepare to give birth for the first time. I read all about what you can and can’t do in the first, second, and third trimester. For the most part, this included a lot of swimming, walking, and yoga. These three activities were wonderful leading up to my labor. Swimming in the pool and ocean felt great as I felt so lightweight in the water. Walking was excellent for my circulation and a little bit of cardio while going uphill. Yoga was also fantastic with all those hip opening poses. However, I didn’t think once about how I could prepare my body for after the birth.

I truly had no idea how physically exhausting being a mom is. My daughter is now five and a half months old and by the end of each day I practically feel like I’ve done a Cross Fit workout. My back and shoulders are sore from lifting not only my little Hannah, but also lifting the stroller or carseat in and out of the car a couple times a day. My knees are tender from crawling around on the floor all day while we play. My legs are beat from carrying her up and down the stairs or picking up toys, bottles, laundry, and pacifiers while having her on my hip. It all adds up to become one major Mom workout by the time bedtime rolls around and I place Hannah in her crib for the final time.


I find myself thinking all the time now, why didn’t I prepare more for this before I had a baby? I was so concentrated on preparing for the birth that I didn’t look past the birth to what it would be like on my body afterwards. So, I have vowed that with my next baby, I will be more prepared by adding a few extra steps to my exercise routine. I have outlined three simple moves I wish I had done more of below.

  • SQUATS – When I have my baby girl in my arms and I have to pick up anything off the floor, I can’t simply bend over and grab whatever it is, especially if I’m wearing her in a sling or a Moby wrap. Squatting has become something I do all the time that I wish I had done more throughout my pregnancy.
  • STAIRS – If I had known how many times I would be running up and down the stairs to fetch things I left up in the nursery and bringing them down to the playroom, I would have done a lot more stairs. Stairs and step workouts also strengthen the muscles around the knees which would help a lot since I am always crawling around on my knees after Hannah now!
  • ARM CIRCLES – These are great for building shoulder strength. Small 3-inch arm circles with your arms stretched outwards at shoulder height with lightweights in your hands get your muscles warmed up nicely. Your blood starts flowing and prepares your joints for lifting those heavy baby car seats, strollers, jumpers, and other fun stuff you buy!

HannahbearEven though I didn’t do any of these exercises while I was pregnant, I am doing them now and it is helping me get stronger and to feel more mobile. The importance of Mobility is something I will write more about in the future.

I try to include Hannah as much as possible while I work out, too– she makes a great 15 pound weight! So, whether you’re doing these with or without your baby belly, I hope they help you prepare for “mom life”, which as we all know is the hardest, most fun job of all!

We would love to hear from you… What post pregnancy fitness routine did you wish you could have done to prepare you for life as a new momma?

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

And… Don’t forget to share your brelfies using our HT #BreastfeedingWorld 




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