The Dragonfly Story By Walter Dudley Cavert “In the bottom of an old pond lived some grubs who could not...
Author Archive for: Lauren Lewis
There is no way to explain the pain you go through after a losing a baby It would take a lifetime because...
Time to Grieve; Placing a CuddleCot in Brooklyn’s Methodist Hospital Last week, Breastfeeding World shared the Story of Wendy Cruz-Chan....
Honoring Infant Loss through Breast Milk Donation The team at Breastfeeding World met Wendy Cruz-Chan through our 2016 NYC...
We Steal the Ninety-nine Recently I attended a literacy seminar by Childcare Answers for childcare providers in my home state...
Interview Lauren Beldin, The Author of the Book “Oh the Places You’ll Feed Recently, Breastfeeding World has had the great...
“I Support Breastfeeding, but… ” – Don’t Be a Breastfeeding Butter Every breastfeeding mom at some point in her...
Lauren LewisLauren Lewis is no stranger to childcare development, having spent over 10 years as a nanny or family...
Breastfeeding World’s Big Latch On Events are Growing! Last year, Breastfeeding World’s Founder, Alexia Garcia, with her friend and...
The Horror of Shaken Baby Syndrome My community has been recently rocked with the news of the death of...
I Don’t Want to Smile This Morning I’m feeling rough this morning. Forcing my mom smiles create a lot...
The Sometimes Elusive Milestone Baby Lincoln just turned one. A swath of light hair covers his head, making his steel-blue eyes pop. His flirtatious...
To Daycare, or Not To Daycare Deciding on a daycare is one of the biggest decisions you make with...
“Mommy, if your body doesn’t have Oliver in it anymore, why is it still big like there’s a baby...
Sleepless Nights I’m a daycare provider and former nanny. I read all “the books.” Other mom friends came to me...
Homemade Baby Food; Why I chose to make my baby’s food Baby O is 6 months old! We chose to...