Summer, oh summer! It’s certainly one of the best seasons of the year but it’s also one of the busiest as well. Specially if you happen to live on the beautiful island of Martha’s Vineyard.
This year Breastfeeding World hosted its third annual Martha’s Vineyard Big Latch On and boy was it a good one. Back on August 5th, 16 Martha’s Vineyard breastfeeding moms came together once again to make this event a great one.
Some new faces and some returning mothers who year by year make these events well worth it.
One of the special things I love about our Martha’s Vineyard Latch On is how intimate and empowering it always is. I’ve been able to see how these mamas and babes grow in their journeys and this year I had the opportunity to photograph the same ladies I met back in 2015 when we held our very first Breastfeeding World photo session on the island.
This time around, they came with their new babes and a full-term nursling. (Kudos to Sarah and Mili, you make us proud!).
The beauty of breastfeeding and motherhood is that each journey is completely different and unique in its own way. Not only from mother to mother but from baby to baby as well. No matter how many books you may read or how many classes you may attend to, by the time that the baby comes you might be very informed as to what is about to happen but, are you really ready? Probably not.
During this year’s Martha’s Vineyard Big Latch On a momma told me she wasn’t sure whether or not I would continue on with the events due to me not nursing anymore… Let me take the chance and tell you all a short version of my story, the one probably none of you know….
My sweet mini-me was born on this gorgeous island, surrounded by beautiful landscapes that make this location THE place to be during summer. My experience with giving birth was astounding, I went in not feeling prepared but my birthing team at the Hospital was amazing.
I was very fortunate, although my baby’s father was not present and I was/am a single momma, I had more than what I had wished for: I had my mother and my sister next to me, they were part of my unmedicated natural birth and everything that came thereafter.
I can assure you that without them my breastfeeding journey would’ve only been a few weeks affair.
My mother Bella and my sister Shelyn, two breastfeeding veterans with 8 children altogether knew exactly what to do in my moments of despair. With tears in my eyes I recall one time begging them to take my baby away because the pain of nursing and cracked nipples was unbearable. (Can you relate?)
Mom would cook all the healthy foods that my body needed to recover while Shelyn would help me take care of the baby. My mama would pass on some old wives’ tales from Ecuador while teaching me some great breastfeeding techniques and some massages to relief engorgement and potential clogged ducts.
With their support I made it past the challenging first three weeks of breastfeeding. Tears flowing down my face on several occasions but they never let me quit when I wanted to.
Our next milestone was 6 months, we made it. One full year, we made it. Eighteen months, we made it. Two years, we made it… until we kind of stopped keeping track.
My sweet mini-me nursed for 4 ½ years and weaned off earlier this year. Was it a bumpy ride? HELL YASS! Was it worth it? Every minute of it.
Today, as we lay down to sleep, (we bedshare baby!) there are nights where she turns looking for her ‘tities’. She knows that no milk comes out but she feels safe and that’s all that matters.
Did I encounter criticism for nursing beyond 2 years? Yes. Was it uncomfortable? At times, yes. Did it matter at the end? No. My baby has grown to be a sweet child who is happy and smiles quite often, she knows that mommy works so hard on Breastfeeding World and she loves helping me every way she can.
To you my sweet mama, who wasn’t sure the events would continue because I stopped nursing… Oh YES they will!
Little mini-me was who inspired me to start Breastfeeding World in the first place, our journey through breastfeeding and motherhood in general is what kept me going. Getting to know women who identified with each other in many ways was my fuel to push through.
Although we stopped nursing this year there are thousands of new mothers (and existing ones) that are going through their breastfeeding & motherhood journeys and they Need. Us.
Breastfeeding World is bigger than my baby and I because now, all of you are part of its history as well as its success.
The Martha’s Vineyard Big Latch On is all about celebrating you, strong women and mothers who lift each other up. No matter in what phase of your motherhood journey you may be in, at some point you will need the support system that I thankfully had and that is what we aim to be for you all: the encouraging voice that pushes you through all the obstacles.
Let us all celebrate these amazing Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms, you are amazing!

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms

Celebrating Martha’s Vineyard Breastfeeding Moms
2018 Breastfeeding World’s sponsors

We have so much love for our Platinum Sponsor @KindredBravely! Through the Spring and Summer they have sponsored our Breastfeeding Photoshoots and provided every guest with a nursing pad in our swag bag and each Big Latch On location with an amazing raffle prize for a mom! Find out more about them at
@cookiesformilknyc cookies are full of all the right ingredients and no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. Head to their website to read about the 5 galactogogues in their cookies. Cookies for Milk is a Diamond sponsor for Breastfeeding World’s multi-city Big Latch Ons! You were able to find awesome goodies from their line in every Swag Bag!
We loved having @fabulanebulae as our Gold Sponsors for our Seattle and Martha’s Vineyard Big Latch Ons! The Salve to Quiet the Storm was the first product Fabula Nebulae created, in the family’s search for a natural product to heal their children’s skin. The Quiet Storm is a soothing and calming concoction that is the base for all of Fabula Nebulae’s natural, fair trade products to meet every family’s needs!
What are your tips for saving every last drop of milk? For breastfeeding moms, we all know that leaky boob syndrome will happen at any time, any where. Thank goodness for Milk Savers from @fairhaven_health! As a Double Gold Sponsor for our multi-city Big Latch Ons, Moms in Seattle and New York City Big Latch Ons will have a chance to win one Fairhaven Health Prize pack, which includes Milk Savers! Tag a mom who needs this now! Get more from Fairhaven Health at
We’re so excited to announce @mollychanson as our Gold Sponsor for Breastfeeding World’s New York City Big Latch On! Molly is the designer and founder of Soulma, an urban women’s clothing brand that fits and flatters women in all stages of their life, including motherhood! Check out more of Molly’s awesome urban line at, plus enter to win an amazing 3-piece gift when you make a purchase using the code “SOULSUMMER” and save 20% as an added perk!
@mrspatels is a Gold Sponsor for Seattle’s Big Latch On event! We’re so excited to have them on board. Mrs. Patel’s lactation treats and teas are an awesome addition for moms who are looking for options to get the best nutrients in while building milk supply. You can check out more at!
A photography project founded in late 2014 by Alexia Garcia, photographer a Alegares Photography. Breastfeeding World aims to promote breastfeeding and encourage new moms to nurse their babies through the art of photography and story telling.