Image taken from google search
When it comes to breastfeeding, I’ve been blessed with the gift of oversupply. This was also the case with my first child as well. I can usually pump up to 16 oz. in one sitting…more if I’ve overslept (youch!) or go over 3 hrs without pumping or nursing. My freezer is nothing fancy just a normal top of refrigerator compartment, it’s tiny though. My frozen bags that were already filled to the top were falling out everywhere when we would open the door. Most of the milk was coming close to expiration. I couldn’t bear the thought of throwing my milk away as I had so many times before. At one point we had tossed 54 bags!!!
I was fighting with myself about having to toss more milk out. We can’t afford a deep freezer so that was out of the question. I hopped on to google and found out that you could donate your frozen milk as long as you were healthy and met certain guidelines. My milk was actually considered “high demand” since I am vegan and my diet is dairy free.

Me, pumpin’ it up at work

All within a day’s pump session at work
Several sites indicated how you could donate and charge others for your services. Being Buddhist, I’m not into all that. I just wanted a way to give back. Not everyone can breastfeed. Not everyone wants to. But we can all agree that it’s the best start possible for our little ones. I took to Instagram to ask other mothers for advice and to see if they knew of any ways I could donate without having to charge people for my milk.
I was pointed to Human Milk for Human Babies which is a public facebook page where you can post your milk and what area of the country you are in. People looking for milk in your area can contact you through the site and you arrange a public meeting area to donate to them. I made my first Facebook page and posted my ad to the donation site. Parents began contacting me left and right. My heart was just exploding at the thought of being able to not only feed my children, but to help others.
I met with my first donor baby shortly after. The exchange was peaceful and the baby was so cute. The mother was young and told me about how her supply plummeted shortly after he was born. She was so grateful to find a donor. She even brought me some storage bags to say thanks. Since then, I have been donating every month and have met mothers and babies from all over my area. It’s an amazing way to give back while also keeping your refrigerator from exploding. There are other websites out there to help get you started on your donor journey.

My breastmilk, ready to be donated
Milk donation is one of the best decisions I have made while on my breastfeeding journey. If you are able to donate, I think you will agree with me. The feeling is indescribable and it’s such a wonderful way to give back.
Have you ever been able to donate your breastmilk? If so, we would love to hear your experiences! Leave us your comment below telling us all about it!
Born and raised in Central Florida and currently reside in Tennessee. I am a working mother of 2, a wife, a vegan, a Buddhist, a breastfeeder and last but not least a breast milk donor. My dream is to one day become a certified Lactation Consultant. I have experienced an unplanned C-section, and a natural non medicated VBAC. Find her on Instagram: @themilkmonsters