Toddler breastfeeding – Breastfeeding World Spreading the Breastfeeding Love, One Latch at a Time Wed, 17 Jun 2020 03:52:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Toddler breastfeeding – Breastfeeding World 32 32 96133341 Breastfeeding Tree of Life Images Take Over The Internet Mon, 19 Dec 2016 00:03:42 +0000 The Tree of Life Movement The normalize breastfeeding campaign has extended and reached far beyond what many could have imagined. Over time, it has grown and transformed into a movement that countless mothers have become a part of. Now, we welcome, The Tree of Life. Mothers from around the world have taken to social media with their beautifully edited images, […]

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The Tree of Life Movement

The normalize breastfeeding campaign has extended and reached far beyond what many could have imagined. Over time, it has grown and transformed into a movement that countless mothers have become a part of. Now, we welcome, The Tree of Life. Mothers from around the world have taken to social media with their beautifully edited images, showcasing their breastfeeding photos overlaid with the tree of life. These images have taken #normalizebreastfeeding by storm.

Keep reading for instructions on how to create your own Tree of Life image!

Why the Tree of Life?

The Tree of Life is so much more than a beautiful image, it is more than a clever depiction of the scientific view of the mammary blood vessels. The Tree of Life is a mystical and magical symbol that has transcended time, cultures and religions. It is called by many names, but all with a similar symbolic significance, it is the source of life.


The roots are profoundly embedded within us, to deliver us the aptitude to give our children a piece of who we are. The trunk establishes a foundation, the connection between our children and us. Our bond is passionate, it is powerful. The branches reach out for sustenance, to provide nourishment from that thoughtful, unfathomable place within ourselves. With that, they are the fruit, the piece of us that we have given to the world. There is a further power that we bestow onto them, a sense of themselves. They have the freedom to be the bird fleetingly landing on that tree, so they may, one-day, place roots of their own.

Just like the Tree of Life, each photo holds a special meaning to the mother who created this bond. This mother laid the roots, built the trunk, spread her branches so her child may be given to the world.

Do you want to create your own Tree of Life image?

Here’s how!

  • Download the picsart app.
  • Google “transparent tree”, “transparent tree with roots”, “tree of roots” etc. choose a tree that you like and save the tree to your phone.
  • Upload the breastfeeding image that you would like to edit.
  • Scroll over to “add photo” on the bottom of the screen.
  • For an image with a white background, click “blend” then select “multiply”. If the background doesn’t remove, choose another image. For an image that is already transparent (which is ideal), click “blend” then “overlay”.
  • Manipulate your tree until it encompasses your breast and baby’s head. Make the image bigger, smaller, rotate, play until you get a look that you’re happy with.
  • You can edit and crop pieces of the tree with the eraser tool on the top of the screen.
  • When you are happy with the placement, now comes the magic!
  • Click the “magic” button and choose a filter that you like. You can use multiple filters by clicking apply and then returning back into the “magic” menu to choose another filter.

Join us with #BFWtreeoflife

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

And… Don’t forget to share your brelfies using our HT #BreastfeedingWorld 




The post Breastfeeding Tree of Life Images Take Over The Internet appeared first on Breastfeeding World.

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4 things I’ll Miss When My Toddler Weans Tue, 06 Dec 2016 18:36:05 +0000 My toddler just had his third birthday, and I know that our breastfeeding days are numbered. I can see that little Steven is growing up, my toddler is feeling more confident in this big world. As he nurses less and less, I realize that I have grown to love the deep connection that breastfeeding brings us. I know that his wings […]

The post 4 things I’ll Miss When My Toddler Weans appeared first on Breastfeeding World.

My toddler just had his third birthday, and I know that our breastfeeding days are numbered.
4 things I'll miss when my toddler weans

photo by Eleonora Vaschetti

I can see that little Steven is growing up, my toddler is feeling more confident in this big world. As he nurses less and less, I realize that I have grown to love the deep connection that breastfeeding brings us. I know that his wings are growing and that he’s just about ready to fly and that’s something to celebrate, but I can’t help but think about what I am going to miss when my toddler weans

1. Falling back to sleep after a bad dream

Sometimes my toddler wakes up at night really upset. His body flails and my heart aches for him. He could care less about my soft, soothing voice. He doesn’t want me to pick him up. If he breastfeeds, though, he falls back into a peaceful slumber. In like a minute.

2. Free, organic milk packed with antibodies for breakfast

The morning routine can be really stressful. Getting two little kids fed and dressed and out the door by 8 am is a huge feat for me. I am happy about the days that my son breastfeeds early in the morning before we get out of bed. That’s one less person to tell me that he doesn’t want what I have made for breakfast and can I make him something else. But not that. And not that either. Can I eat Nutella out of the jar with a spoon? Yes, I get asked that a lot.

3. Reconnection after a long day apart

I work every weekday for a good 8 hours. Steven goes to preschool. We miss each other. Sometimes we nurse after school and all of that missing each other seems to melt away. We tell each other with our eyes that we are still good. If either of us had some tough moments during the day, we remember that we were thinking about each other. We’ve got each other’s backs. We just need a couple of minutes to remember that.

What I am going to miss when my toddler weans

photo by Eleonora Vaschetti

Soothing the woes of toddlerhood

Sometimes it’s really hard to be a toddler. People take your toys. Your sister always has something cool in her hands that she will not give you. Your mom tells you that you cannot watch TV for an entire day. Don’t even get me started about car seats. Sometimes when I can tell that Steven has the world on his shoulders and he can’t problem solve any more, breastfeeding gives him that little push of confidence to carry on. I can feel his body relax and then rev up again. Nursing really does give him roots so that he can grow wings.

So.. what’s next?

The days are drawing nearer that I’m going to have to start thinking about healthy breakfasts for everyone every day. When my son feels overwhelmed we are going to have to talk things over. I’m going to have to really figure out when he’s open to listening and when he needs to be heard.

How will we establish a connection that will live up to the superpowers of the breast?

what I am going to miss when my toddler weans

I’ve got this, mom.

It will be a long journey for both of us, but really this is the journey of life. We’ve all got to figure out how to really understand ourselves and the people around us.  It’s not easy for toddlers, and it’s not easy for adults, but each step towards understanding each other is a step towards a more peaceful world, so I guess it’s worth it.

So here’s to you, my son, and your journey away from me. I know you’ll be great, and that I won’t always be able to help you out. But if you need me, I’m here.

What do you think you will miss about breastfeeding?

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

And… Don’t forget to share your brelfies using our HT #BreastfeedingWorld 




The post 4 things I’ll Miss When My Toddler Weans appeared first on Breastfeeding World.

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