encouragement – Breastfeeding World http://breastfeedingworld.org Spreading the Breastfeeding Love, One Latch at a Time Wed, 17 Jun 2020 03:52:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 https://i1.wp.com/breastfeedingworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/cropped-BFWorld_logo-16x16.png?fit=32%2C32 encouragement – Breastfeeding World http://breastfeedingworld.org 32 32 96133341 Coping with Postpartum Depression and Anxiety while Breastfeeding http://breastfeedingworld.org/2015/09/coping-postpartum-depression-anxiety-breastfeeding/ http://breastfeedingworld.org/2015/09/coping-postpartum-depression-anxiety-breastfeeding/#respond Tue, 22 Sep 2015 23:48:23 +0000 http://breastfeedingworld.org/?p=1271 Your pregnancy went perfectly, and delivery was a breeze. Now your baby is here and motherhood is nothing but rainbows and sunshine! Riiight. Motherhood is beautiful, but it is not always the perfect picture it is painted to be, and that can be very hard for some women to cope with. Societal pressure, unrealistic expectations, shifting hormones, lack of sleep, and […]

The post Coping with Postpartum Depression and Anxiety while Breastfeeding appeared first on Breastfeeding World.

Your pregnancy went perfectly, and delivery was a breeze. Now your baby is here and motherhood is nothing but rainbows and sunshine! Riiight. Motherhood is beautiful, but it is not always the perfect picture it is painted to be, and that can be very hard for some women to cope with.

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Societal pressure, unrealistic expectations, shifting hormones, lack of sleep, and every other challenge that comes with new motherhood can lead to a serious condition that not every woman expects or knows about : Postpartum anxiety and depression. No one tells you that after having a baby, you might reach depths of despair you never thought possible, or feel panic-induced anxiety every time someone holds your baby. Let’s not even talk about bedtime, because that can be a very scary time for some parents. Sleep when the baby sleeps! Yeah, ok, maybe when I’m done checking to make sure that she is breathing every 2 seconds!

I am still facing an intense battle with postpartum anxiety. My experience with breastfeeding and having this disorder has been challenging, but also very rewarding. I’ve come up with a list of things that I think will help other women with postpartum depression and/or anxiety to have a healthy and happy breastfeeding relationship!

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Image courtesy of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I do not own the copyright.

10 Tips for Coping with Postpartum Depression and Anxiety while Breastfeeding:

  1. Skin-to-skin: Having your baby on your chest immediately has many important benefits. It is a great tool for getting a baby’s temperature and breathing to regulate and to successfully initiate breastfeeding. Continuing this practice can be a great way to alleviate anxiety in both mother (or father) and baby. Here is an excellent article that explains skin-to-skin care and the benefits in great detail. This brings me to my next point: breastfeedingwithppd_3_breastfeedingworld
  2. Babywearing: Using a sling or carrier to hold your baby close to you is all the rage right now, and for good reason. The close proximity between mother and child encourages healthy milk production (close enough to kiss!), and is a great tool for lowering stress and anxiety levels.
  3. Limit Visitors: If you want to have success breastfeeding, you have to do just that- Breastfeed. This can be uncomfortable to do in front of guests and for that reason it is good to limit the number of visitors in the first few weeks or months while getting breastfeeding established. Those first few weeks are absolutely vital to establishing a healthy milk supply.
  4. Eating Habits: According to BabyCenter, breastfeeding women need to eat an additional 500 calories per day. Your body and mind are a reflection of what you are putting into your body and a healthy diet and adequate water intake (around 100 oz a day) will not only make you feel better, it will lead to a more abundant milk supply, which can help alleviate anxiety and depression. 
  5. Staying Positive: This one can be hard when you’re feeling depressed, but having a positive outlook and believing in your body’s abilities will make all the difference when it comes to breastfeeding. If you tell yourself you can’t do it, you won’t be able to. Try telling yourself that you can and you will be amazed by what you are able to accomplish. I can’t think of a better way to kick depression’s ugly butt!
  6. Find a Hobby: Do something that makes you happy! Taking a break to recharge your batteries once in a while is of the upmost importance. Taking an hour to paint, or go for a run, or whatever it is that you enjoy, can help shake the fog of depression or the pain of anxiety.
  7. breastfeeding world, lissa james, lactation consultantWork with a Lactation Consultant: An LC absolutely saved my breastfeeding relationship. She helped me get through the awkward first feeding in order to create that all important perfect latch. Furthermore, having resources such as Kelly Mom or La Leche League at your finger tips can help diminish feelings of anxiety and depression by providing knowledge and confidence in yourself as a breastfeeding mother. 
  8. Be Easy on Yourself: The first few months of postpartum life are hard. They are messy, painful, confusing, and not always the sunshine and fireworks that you expected. Learn to let go and forgive yourself when it doesn’t go according to plan. There are many complications that can arise, but that doesn’t make you a bad mother. Feeling guilty is a symptom, and forgiving yourself can be a very large step toward healing and overcoming your depression or anxiety.
  9. Make Mommy Friends: Having supportive friends who want you to succeed will be a game changer. If you don’t have anyone in your life who uplifts you, look for support groups online for both breastfeeding and PPD/A. I have made genuine friendships that have extended from Instagram to real life and it is aiding in my recovery tenfold. 
  10. Seek Treatment: Seeing a therapist can really help. There are options such as antidepressants and cognitive therapy; or if you aren’t comfortable taking medicine while breastfeeding (like me), you can try alternative options such as yoga and exercise. If you still aren’t feeling better after 12-18 months postpartum, I recommend finding out if you are possibly suffering from other mental conditions that could be aggravating your depression and/or anxiety. Seeing a therapist has helped me a lot and even led to being further diagnosed with PTSD. Needing help is nothing to be ashamed of and it could totally change your life for the better!

I am hopeful for the future and I know that with the right treatment, I will be better someday. I absolutely believe the same for you. 


We’d love to hear from you! How has postpartum depression or anxiety affected your breastfeeding relationship?

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

And… Don’t forget to share your brelfies using our HT #BreastfeedingWorld




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My Story: A Most Wonderful Breastfeeding Journey http://breastfeedingworld.org/2015/09/story-wonderful-breastfeeding-journey/ http://breastfeedingworld.org/2015/09/story-wonderful-breastfeeding-journey/#respond Tue, 15 Sep 2015 23:24:18 +0000 http://breastfeedingworld.org/?p=1266 In my first article, I gave a few affordable fashion tips for breastfeeding Moms. This time around I would like to share my breastfeeding journey with you all. When I was pregnant, I knew I would breastfeed. I just knew it. Before I switched to a midwife, my OB would always try to send me home with formula samples, and […]

The post My Story: A Most Wonderful Breastfeeding Journey appeared first on Breastfeeding World.

In my first article, I gave a few affordable fashion tips for breastfeeding Moms. This time around I would like to share my breastfeeding journey with you all.

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When I was pregnant, I knew I would breastfeed. I just knew it. Before I switched to a midwife, my OB would always try to send me home with formula samples, and it really bothered me. I think that sends a message to expecting mothers that their milk will not be enough and they will need to supplement. Why even plant that seed in their mind? This happens at baby stores as well.

For instance, when I registered for my baby shower at two very popular baby stores, I was bombarded by aisles full of bottles and formula, all sending a subtle message that I will fail. After registering, I was given a gift by both stores that included bottles and formula samples. If I wasn’t so set on breastfeeding, it might have really caused me to doubt myself. However, I refused to succumb to big business marketing endeavors and believed instead in my body’s ability to lactate. I simply could not conceive that every mother has supply issues or trouble with their breastfeeding journey, because historically that hasn’t always been the case. If that were so, humanity would not have thrived before formula.

My breastfeeding journey, a real journey of love!

After laboring for twenty-four hours, my precious baby was finally in my arms. What a sweet relief after the bitter pain to have her with me! There were a few complications during childbirth and the nurses decided to take Violet to the nursery to sit under warm lights for an hour or so. I took the time to let the shock wear off and rehydrated my body, while I processed the fact that I was a new mother. When my fiance finally brought our daughter back into the room, I decided it was time to initiate breastfeeding. I remember having no idea what I was doing; my inner-goddess was replaced with insecurity as I fumbled to hold her correctly and to try getting her to latch onto my nipple. A nurse came in and I admitted that I needed help, so she suggested calling the Lactation Consultant. I hesitated because it was 1 am, but I knew my baby needed to eat and I didn’t want to wait any longer.

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The L.C. came in and instructed me to pancake my breast while rubbing my nipple quickly on my daughter’s nose for the scent, and then rubbing it on her upper lip while pointing it upward to encourage her to open her mouth. Imagine the relief I felt when it worked! My tiny newborn was taking big gulps and filling her little belly with the underrated, ever precious liquid gold that is colostrum.  It didn’t take much to fill her belly and she continued to pacify on me, which breathed new life into me. I had to take an ibuprofen for the pain in my uterus because the hormones that are released while breastfeeding cause your uterus to shrink back to its original size. It feels a lot like menstrual cramps, but nothing compared to labor. What an incredible give-and-take breastfeeding is; perfectly orchestrated for both mother and child.

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I am forever thankful for the LC who helped initiate this beautiful relationship.

The hospital sent us home with a chart to document the amount of dirty diapers she was producing, and to ensure I was feeding her enough. It instructed to nurse for 15 minutes on each side every 2-3 hours, but I found that she would eat much more than that. I later discovered that what she was doing is called cluster-feeding and it is completely normal and healthy for newborns. Not a lot of new mothers know this, and many doubt their milk supply because of it. Let me reassure you, Momma. Your baby is not starving. Allowing your baby to pacify on you and cluster-feed will ensure a healthy milk supply and a happier baby. If you find that your baby is still fussy, try adjusting your diet to be allergen free (dairy, eggs, broccoli, etc), but do remember that it can take a few weeks to clear out of your system so you may not notice a difference right away.

For the first few months of being a mother, I struggled to do anything other than breastfeed or take care of my daughter. I faced socially awkward situations when certain relatives made comments about me flashing my boobs at family functions (which I didn’t do), or when they avoided me altogether as if I had the plague. Other family members were more supportive, but I still usually ended up in the back room alone with my baby. It was always a relief when I didn’t have any social obligations for the day.

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Milk comas are the best. (A water bottle is never far from a nursing Mom.)

Over the months, my daughter would change her eating habits often, but she has always been a slow eater and refused to nap anywhere except on me (and with a nipple in her mouth). I savored the snuggles, which were good for my postpartum depression and anxiety, and I would cozy up on the couch with my water, snacks, and endless Netflix marathons. It was honestly kind of awesome! I started to pump around that time in order to make a freezer stash, and unknowingly created a massive oversupply because my daughter was nursing full-time and I was pumping 4-6 times a day! I no longer pump, and my supply has now regulated perfectly to fit my daughter’s needs. Breastfeeding is completely supply and demand. How cool is that? She had severe reflux until she was about four months-old, but other than that we have never had any major hiccups, thankfully.

My daughter is now 14 months-old and is still breastfed exclusively. It took a while for me to gain courage when it comes to breastfeeding in public, but now I do it without shame. We go with the flow during the day, and cosleeping has helped to ease my anxiety at nighttime, as well as make feedings easier. She still naps on me for the most part, but her never-ending nursing sessions are a distant memory. She has maybe one purée a day, but doesn’t show much interest in food yet. Her iron levels are perfect, and she is skinny, but very healthy. Alas, my breast milk is enough. We are still going strong and I see no reason to stop anytime soon. 

Breastfeeding world, nursing in public, lissa james, my story, bumblebeelullabies


For whatever challenges I have faced over these past fourteen months of my breastfeeding journey, the rewards have been tenfold. Never quit on your darkest day, because if you do, you may never see your brightest one. Stick with it, I believe in you!

Be sure to join us in our social media accounts to be up to date with the progress of our project!

And… Don’t forget to share your brelfies using our HT #BreastfeedingWorld 




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