I would love to share with other mommies some simple ways I plan to teach my daughter life lessons. It is so easy these days to say innocent things that can impact a young mind. As these moments come to me in my everyday life, I think to myself, “How can I teach her the importance of inner beauty and everyday kindness?” Here is my first lesson.

Lesson 1: Make-up isn’t what makes mommy beautiful.

My daughter is nearing six months which means she is starting to soak everything in to the fullest. She wants to watch me do everything I do, grab everything I grab and she is definitely trying to talk to me! Soon she will understand the things I say to her on a different level and is being molded into the little girl she will become.

For the past few weeks I have been getting back into my routine of doing my hair and makeup. Each time I sit my daughter in her Winnie the Pooh seat in the bathroom with me so she is close by. She sits there, never making a sound, but observing. She stares at me the whole time. As I brush a rosy red color to my cheek, line my eye in black, color in my eyebrows, darken and elongate my lashes and transform my hair from frizz to fab, I would find myself turning to her and saying, “Are you watching mommy get pretty?”… It only took a couple times hearing myself say this before I realized if I kept this up she was going to identify beauty with makeup. If I kept saying, “Mommy is getting pretty”, it wouldn’t be long before I would begin hearng, “Mommy, I wanna look pretty too!”.

Watching Mommy!

Watching Mommy!

I want to teach my daughter to know she is beautiful, everyone is. I don’t want her to grow up and think that mommy wasn’t pretty until she did her makeup. In my eyes that is setting her up for eventually feeling like she needs makeup to look beautiful. I want to teach her that true beauty is on the inside and that she is so pretty the way she is; that she is pretty and makeup is just for feeling good and fun, not being pretty! (For now…I know all this will go out the window in 15 years!)


No make-up, beautiful mommy and daughter.


Beautiful love.

Daughters look up to their mothers and wish to be just like them. I have a few things I will need to change in this journey to try to shape her little mind into the beautiful soul I know she will be, and it’s innocent small things like this I will realize along the way. So, from now on, I will not say that I am “getting pretty” when I put makeup on…and soon when I hear her little voice ask me, “Mommy, what are you doing? Why are you putting that on your face?”, I will tell her, “This makes mommy feel good!” I will tell her I feel pretty all the time and that’s what makes me beautiful, my kindness and love as a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. I will teach her compassion and she WILL be beautiful – with or without makeup.


Mommy “feeling good”!

As I continue this adventure of watching my daughter grow, I will share with you little lessons that come to me in my everyday life.

We want to hear from you: Share with us some of those little (yet very important) life lessons you plan to teach your little one! Drop us a comment below!

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